All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Daniel bryan curry's Blog – October 2011 Archive (5)

romans chapter 12 vs 19 is my favorite bible verse

it goes vengence is mine,ill repay saith the lord. this means god doesnt like it when people disrespect us,reject us,hurt us or let us down.he believes in payback.he mentions forgiveness,but he believes in revenge too and cant stand unfairness and injustice. sadly when we try to get even we can get in trouble,but when god pays people back for their wrongs.he cant get in trouble,you cant report god,he cant be arrested.he is above the courts,judges,cops and etc.i love the fact that sooner or…


Added by daniel bryan curry on October 31, 2011 at 5:45am — No Comments

dont you wish people in this world were more reliable?

turning to jesus and god are great,but if people in this world were more reliable and were more like god than satan,it would had made this temporary life better.yes there are some good people,but i wish all were that way.just imagine if all people were decent,non biased,non materialistic,non judgemental,unselfish,caring,compassionate,generous,honest and understanding.this is what i would had preferred,and i know christ and god would had preferred this without a doubt.

Added by daniel bryan curry on October 25, 2011 at 6:21pm — No Comments

for every birth will sooner or later come a death

we were born once,little did we know that day,coming out of our mothers what would lie ahead for us. this thing called life which is like a roller coaster filled with ups and downs.its not christ and the lord that make life hard.its the god of this world satan and the people who are sadly more like him.evil,selfish,uncaring,unhelpful,judgemental,materialistic,biased,self centered.yes the likes of satan and these people can make life a challenge and will frustrate us.without jesus and god we…


Added by daniel bryan curry on October 19, 2011 at 1:55pm — No Comments

late birthday issues

i was born in december which is the last month of the year as we all know.some people say that us born in dec.get double presents birthday and christmas,yes that maybe true,but on the flip side of that we have to wait longer than everyone else for our birthdays to come.were the last ones to turn the new age. when i was a kid in school i was teased by peers.they would go how old are you? i tell them,they would go whens your birthday? i said december they would go im older than you,im older…


Added by daniel bryan curry on October 18, 2011 at 3:48pm — 1 Comment

money issues

money is needed in this world without a doubt.though there are times i wish this werent the case and things were free. division with family and friends are caused by money,crimes committed is largely due to money,not all but lots of women look for men who has this and vice versa.materialism shouldnt be the case,why cant more women accept a man for himself? not his occupation or income. first thing men usually notice is a womans looks,first thing most women want to know is his income and… Continue

Added by daniel bryan curry on October 18, 2011 at 2:21pm — No Comments

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