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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Secular Hermit's Blog – September 2019 Archive (5)

Coercitive measures against Venezuela?

Jorge Arreza and Maduro's agents insist on labeling USA as an evil and on Trump's adm. as a demon. If the whole wold knew we Venezuelans are manipulated politically by a box of scare food we buy at a cheap price (each empty box comes after 2 or 3 months) you would hate the economic failure COMMUNISM has set on us while the dictatorship tries to control all our spheres, trying to adoctrinate venezolans with Chávez egolatric system, with retrograde Bolivarian lies,  so we all believed Simón…


Added by Secular Hermit on September 13, 2019 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

Am I foolish to be somewhat jealous?

I'm not on love, but on the reluctantcy to show it with deeds.

Once I noticed few buttoms to invite "friends" I wondered: "If I have found a safe and clean place, won't I tell my friends to pay "me" a visit".

How would THEY know about God if they 're watching movies elwhere?

Well, I don't have friends online and the few I…


Added by Secular Hermit on September 11, 2019 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Trump: Unwilling to talk?

Few minutes back I heard Pres. Trump is unwilling to talk to Nicolás Maduro. How many times have they talked?

Whatever it happens after the end of Bolton office, I'm aware God is behind. We Venezuelans never voted for COMMUNISM itself but we became idolaters (we were as the RCC is) but we became servants of human ideologies that exalted men ABOVE God, so few would grasp what Venezuela became. Our unrest is not only economic, social and unfamiliar: If I talked back against the…


Added by Secular Hermit on September 11, 2019 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

I don't like Andoid...

Although "desktop view" is not the default interfaces I'll get at signing in, the Andoid-ed interface is not the one I'll like to use to see "all abou God". This has too many  things  unseen! (And whenever I typed the keypad missed my words while I tried to publish a blog).

Android, at this, it's not the best way to interact with... I miss my computer an a regular internet connection!…


Added by Secular Hermit on September 11, 2019 at 2:58am — No Comments

Is heaven wide Open?

They say it's easy to Go to heavens. They said if you made an act of your will, a prayer and a turn away, you'll achieve an answer and the "password" to come near the gate of heavens... Have you heard that WAY is that easy?

Jesus said the way is NARROW.

Any child would infere that, if the way is narrow, the door wouldn't be too big/wide.

Will it be bigger than any street?

I cannot grap how…


Added by Secular Hermit on September 8, 2019 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

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