As some of you may know one of my interests is anatomy, topics on the human body. You could say I also study people. I take an interest in why people do certain things and their reasoning;like their mind set.
Well, there's something very interesting. I've been thinking while watching this video about our resurrected bodies. We will still have physicaly bodies in…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on September 30, 2012 at 11:24am — No Comments
What do you do when you see yourself as an offense to others? Like the only black sheep in the bunch...
When you know that even just saying something could cause people heartache...
What do you do when there's so much spiritual warefare going on around don't know where to turn?
When you're so tired and weary you feel like crying...
My question is...what do you do in such situations?
Added by feet breath on September 27, 2012 at 12:11pm — 1 Comment
I checked my email. The next baptism service is Oct. 28th...isn't it ironic since it's 3 days before Halloween? I wonder how mad you-know-who is right now. :D
We also know somebody who is suppose to have her baby in that month.
Wow, Oct. is a busy month...
I just wonder if God planted that baptism day on purpose...
Wouldn't it be something if the baby was born the same time they were performing baptisms?
Wow, just…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on September 23, 2012 at 2:25pm — No Comments
She took me to church today.
The main point I want to say about it is the difference that the Holy Spirit helped me to notice between this church and Kingdom Hall. Yes, I know there's a big night and day.
What I mean is when I was at Kingdom Hall April 5th for the Memorial...the Holy Spirit let me see that the atmosphere in there was very thick. He let me see so many lost people. The word is nothing short of bondage that fits its…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on September 16, 2012 at 3:59pm — 1 Comment
I'm so hyper inside right now. And I think it'll help, atleast for a little while, to blog about it.
I think I may be being called into some kind of missionary/ministery work for Jehovah's Witnesses....that seems like the direction I'm being led in to. If there's another name for it, I don't know what it's called. I want to be a missionary to the the persecuted brothern overseas are missionaries for Muslims, Buddists and Hindus.
Jesus,help me to love You…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on September 8, 2012 at 11:15pm — 3 Comments
Ok, I realize something. I'm a very insecure person. I apolijize way too much...
I remember when I was little I apolijized/said "thank you" way too much. Mrs. S., I was in her speech therapy class, told me oneday I don't need to (insert whatever it was I said) say that all the time or whatever.
Mom has told me I apolijize way too much before. And I realize she's right. I find I have to say "I'm sorry" or "I apolijize" more than is usually needed. For some…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on September 5, 2012 at 7:18pm — No Comments
I went to the store with dad. I came back. One of the fish died...poor thing. I said Psalm 27:1 after/around the time of the "burial" (a.k.a it got flushed). It's so earie to see something that was once dead.
R.I.P little one. You're in the Lord's hands. If He cares about a sparrow than I know He seen you.
We got a new family member, I think we got her (I'm pretty sure it's a girl) a week from yesterday.
ContinueAdded by feet breath on September 3, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments
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