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Feet breath's Blog – July 2012 Archive (6)

I don't understand...

I can except the deaths of so many family members. But, my pap pap (who wasn't my real grandpa but I really miss him)'s just so hard.


I know they died when I was like between the ages or 2 or 3 to like 13 (grandma was the last one). There's been people on my aunt S.' side who's died recently but I wasn't close to them. Pappy died when I was like 2 or 3. I have atleast one memory of my great aunt (when she was in the blue hospital room in bed),one of aunt C. (I think we…


Added by feet breath on July 28, 2012 at 10:07pm — 6 Comments

The real problem I have with witnessing

Ok, there's still some problems with the JWs but, thanks to the Lord, the problems have dwindled to a smaller number.


I realize the main problem I have with witnessing to dad,mom and my uncle. If I say something I could just be told that the Bible is man man, it has errors. What kind of fruitage is that? All that has to be said is the Bible is wrong/has errors.


Like when I tried showing my uncle about the 144,000 and the great crowd after the 12 tribes of…


Added by feet breath on July 26, 2012 at 2:35pm — 5 Comments

Very urgent

Mom was watching Jack Van Impe (she likes watching him). She heard about being married to Christ. She thought that was weird. I think I got an urgency from the Holy Spirit...I'm so nervous right now.


I don't want to witness wrong. I'm not sure when He wants me to witness, when I'll hear "go".



God has also revealed that fear has kept me back so long. That fear has to be removed. There's so much coming at once.  I so need a confirmation from Him.

Added by feet breath on July 13, 2012 at 9:59pm — No Comments

How to get past this humiliation?

I need to confess something. It's totally embarassing but I need to get it off of my chest.


I see people online with such a zeal and passion for the Lord. They're prasing and worshipping.


I don't know how. I don't know how to praise and worship properly.


Who on the outside of the internet will I praise/worship Him with? How do you worship when you're the only Christian (that you know of) around...How can you worship in a house when no one else…


Added by feet breath on July 13, 2012 at 2:41pm — 2 Comments

I'm sorry

I've hurt my brothers and sisters in Christ. I've tried holding in my problems for the most part ever since the big event that happened awhile back (might have been atleast a few weeks)...It's helping to destroy me inside. Yet, if I say something I'm liable to hurt the brothern...Forgive me if I've hurt anyone by this


I've also hurt yidana yakubu. Brother I'm sorry. I'm not allowed on chat. I'll be sinning against mom...I'm so sorry.


I'm a wretch. I feel like…


Added by feet breath on July 5, 2012 at 6:48pm — 5 Comments

The rabbit

Ok, yesterday I looked in the backally and guess what I saw? A rabbit! I love watching the wildlife (which isn't too often though) and taking pictures makes it even better!



The weird thing is I kept getting closer to it and it didn't hop away. God actually let it stay there and let me take some pictures of it (this is the best picture). Praise…


Added by feet breath on July 1, 2012 at 1:59pm — No Comments

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