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Brandon soileau's Blog – July 2011 Archive (4)

Candid words straight from my mind....

Where, God are you at? I prayed to you seeking salvation, but I don't feel saved. Maybe the way I feel like that is because you won't ever talk to me, or bear witness to my spirit. I walk through everyday, praying and reading my Bible, and at times, I have neglected you, but I always feel lonely, and unsatisfied. I feel like you just watch me, but have no intention of ever intervening or comforting me. The only proof of your spirit I have within me is the written law on my heart and mind,… Continue

Added by brandon soileau on July 30, 2011 at 3:04am — 10 Comments

Freedom from legalism.

One issue that has always overwhelmed me is that of legalism. I know that in Old Testament days, the Jews were required to follow all of God's laws down to the proverbial "T", and if they didn't, they were endanger of death. The only atonement for sins back then was the prescribed sin offering before God, (which was only a temporary atonement.) Many generations later, Jesus was sent to be the new covenant, and new atonement for sins of both Jew and Gentile; and also the release of his people… Continue

Added by brandon soileau on July 30, 2011 at 2:14am — 9 Comments

Where is God???

I could have sworn that I accepted Jesus Christ into my life; I mean, I know I confessed with my mouth and believed in my heart. So, right then, the holy spirit should have entered my life, right? I should have access to the father now, right? I am lying in my bed right now, so irritated and flustered with the whole thought that God just won't acknowledge me. Why do I think this? Because ever since I got saved, the only Godly experience I've witnessed is the imprinting of God's laws on my heart… Continue

Added by brandon soileau on July 30, 2011 at 1:54am — 2 Comments

I asked for Salvation, but wasn't sure if I was 100% sincere.

A few months ago, I watched this video on the after life. On this video, a certain, proclaimed minister witnessed an experience God had given him in which god showed him Hell. Now, this video got me to thinking about my situation, and where I stood with God. Quite honestly, this video scared me to death, because it portrayed such a vivid picture of Hell, and told things of it that I never would have imagined. More or less, this video scared me straight, and made me want to do something about…


Added by brandon soileau on July 22, 2011 at 4:28pm — 1 Comment

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