God's Spirit is Strong.
God's Spirit is wise.
God's Spirit will give to those who belive in Him.
Courage and wisdom if they seek it.
He shows many things in front of us.
We would ask Him...
What is it you have me to do Lord my Father?
He would stir your soul of thurst and hunger
withiin your soul.
Then feed you with knowledge and wisdom
for that moment and time.
Lean on Him.
Seek Him.
Know Him.
Breath Him.
God is… Continue
Added by Vicki W. on July 29, 2009 at 5:32am —
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That is how I know God.
He really exists in me and out of me everyday.
With out Him I could do nothing.
I believe in His holy words. John 3;16
For God so loves the world.
That he gave His only begotten Son.
That who soever believeth in HIM.
Shall not perish
But Have everlasting life.
Special note - you can also see some more of my… Continue
If you believe in God...
Show Him your faith.
Walk it..
Talk it.
Show it.
May you have His Holy love through Jesus
Christ our Lord and Savior.
For others when you can.
Read and study His Holy Words
through the Holy Spirit which teaches
you God's will for your life.
Glorify Him always and forever.
Talk to Him dailey.
For He is alway with you.
Love Him with all your Heart, Soul and Mind.
In Jesus… Continue
Added by Vicki W. on July 24, 2009 at 3:00am —
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