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Feet breath's Blog – June 2012 Archive (14)

I'm a failure,I'm a distraction...

I'm sorry everyone. I'm a failure. I'm a stumbling block to the Body of Christ.

If I say something to my mom I'm really putting this family,including her, at such a big risk.


Wounds open. How can I excpect to heal from a wound when it's just going to open up again? I try to heal but than it just gets torn open again. What's the point in even trying to heal anymore? What's the point of healing when the pain will just come back again?


I'm a…


Added by feet breath on June 20, 2012 at 11:49am — 19 Comments

I've grown more numb than before

Honestly, I was numb. But, now pain has dug a deeper hole in my my heart. I'm beyond numb now.


I don't want to hold a grudge against the neighbor. I keep getting flashbacks...those flashbacks reproduce a fear that it'll happen again. And, if she had it her way every cat in this house and any that come near her property would have a stomach full of posion. With that knowledge comes fear...


The enemy has attacked before, he's uped his…


Added by feet breath on June 18, 2012 at 10:38pm — 1 Comment

God please help...

I ask You Jesus for forgiveness for any self pity or sins...for caring too much about how I us get on what the right track...forgive us for our sins...


I need to know what to say against their rebuttles...Heal them, save them...Dear God please convict them with Your Holy Spirit. Set them free! Set them free through the blood of Christ! Break the bondage of enslavement and damnation.


Lord, their translation is decieves them about who You…


Added by feet breath on June 16, 2012 at 9:58am — 2 Comments

I have fear for them...

Is it possible to be mentally/spiritually comotose?

I learned about it in 12th grade nursing (I had to look it up again to make sure I got the exact word though since I haven't been in Nursing for a little over a year). Comotose, a person sits there and just stares. They don't do much because they're in shock. They're not physically in a coma like from a wreck, yet in their mind they're sort of like in a coma. They're physically awake but the shock is too great for…


Added by feet breath on June 15, 2012 at 9:56pm — No Comments

As this battle intencifies

Why does this battle get more tence?


You know the depressing blogs I've wrote about,right? Well, atleast some of those has to do with this battle...


I want to help out with the harvest! I want to help with the gospel to the lost in America. I don't want to take any credit from Him-please Jesus You take the credit. Is this inspiration from the Holy Spirit?


Recently, this battle has gotton way more intence....with attacks from Satan while awake…


Added by feet breath on June 14, 2012 at 3:14pm — 3 Comments

My down trodden soul is filled with grief

I'm soul is downcasted. I'm sorry for another disheartening blog. :sighs: Forgive me...


I was ok...I'm not now though.


The enemy ups his attacks more than ever...


I'm worried. My parents... I know He's coming soon. Yet, what's going to happen to them...what's going to happen to any of them?


I'm numb....yes guilt has returned.


I'm not strong biblically. If the JW's start "lecturing" me on their…


Added by feet breath on June 13, 2012 at 8:02pm — No Comments

I'm past the point of sorrow

Why is it that I seem to be loosing my faith? He's so far's not His fault, it's my usual.

Why am I a stumbling block to others? Am I a stumbling block to anyone on here? If so please tell me. If I'm a stumbling block to the Body of Christ on here...does that mean I should leave? I'm a stumbling block to my own life...Am I a stumbling block to the Body of Christ?


If I'm hurting anyone or causing anyone to loose faith please tell me....if…


Added by feet breath on June 12, 2012 at 11:16am — 5 Comments

Jesus,please hold Your broken child.

Not physical internal pain, it's much worse than that. It's the pain people don't see. It's the pain that is there but people don't know it...after all how could they when you don't show it. When you smile and they don't know of the struggle that is within. When you want to cry but can't because you're afraid they'll see the tears and eventually find out the problem.


I want to go home. Jesus sees and knows of this internal struggle...this battle going on inside of…


Added by feet breath on June 11, 2012 at 8:29pm — 2 Comments

Lord, is it by Thy will?

I want to be like the brothern overseas. They spread the gospel to people like communists,muslims,budhists and hindus.


Well, something struck me-and it had to be from God since I couldn't ever figure something like this out. Something struck me. Where's the missionary work for the evolutionists/atheists/satanists,mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses? I've seen websites and a show supporting creation. But, where's the on the street gospel people? You know like those overseas. How…


Added by feet breath on June 10, 2012 at 7:41pm — No Comments

Whatever happened to the salt in American churches?

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

What has happened to the salt in America? Back in the early days pilgrims spread the…


Added by feet breath on June 8, 2012 at 2:44pm — 2 Comments

Jesus, take each of Your children by their hands!

Jesus please have mercy on me if there's any pride. I don't want to sin. Help me to forgive everyone...and help whoever needs to forgive me, will.


I'm so confused right now...There's a mix of anger and there's still fear.


My family could get destroyed (and it doesn't need help). My mother's in danger, and they're...You know who I mean...the blind leading the blind.


Lord, no matter what it takes out of me please use me for Your sake. And, to be…


Added by feet breath on June 5, 2012 at 3:36pm — No Comments

Jesus, I'm too weak...please be my Strength.

I think You're reminding me of 2 Corinth. 12:9....I still need to get this off of my chest. Jesus, be my Strength...

I'm tired. I'm not strong. This battle is so intence. Lord, be my Strength....


Satanic torment-how long must it go on?


My mom and so many family members are lost. I even have lost friends...Those who I don't get to see anymore (one friend used to comes around but I don't know if that stopped cause his mama moved and he's going to…


Added by feet breath on June 4, 2012 at 11:58am — No Comments

Terrible fear of the demonic?

Ok, what do I do? I'm scared to even go to sleep tonight.

I don't want Satan to attack dad, mom or the animals or me. My parents don't even know Jesus...I don't want him/his demons to hurt them...


He's been tormenting me for so long. I think the demons have gotton stronger. I think they're attacking more.


I've been getting demonic dreams...4 recently. To get that many demonic dreams so close together-something is not right.




Added by feet breath on June 3, 2012 at 10:02pm — No Comments

Is there something wrong with me?

I can't seem to relate with the avrage church goer.


They sit in pews tucked in like sardenes, that was on Joyce Meyer. Touching people shoulder to shoulder for like an hour...that's just not my thing.


It wasn't that bad in my old church though. My church was very very-extreamly small-compared to that.


By the way how is it possible to sit for like atleast an hour listening to someone speak? Don't they get cramped legs and have to use the…


Added by feet breath on June 1, 2012 at 1:11pm — 6 Comments

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