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Feet breath's Blog – May 2012 Archive (25)

Do you agree with Charlie Brown "I'm sick and tired of everything"?

Today's injustices, it can be easy to be filled with anger.


Now it's ok to abort if the child's a girl.


Elderly people get abused by those who's suppose to take care of them.


Children get slapped for the most meaningless things by their mamas.


Animals get mistreated, puppies get kicked, cats may suffer if they dare venture out the door.


The mentally challenged get made fun of.


No wonder Charlie…


Added by feet breath on May 29, 2012 at 9:15pm — No Comments

Today is the day!

I finally get to say it! On this day two years ago Jesus saved me. It's amazing. Since graduation last May(22nd) barely seems like any time has gone by. And, the May before Jesus saved me. Where has the time gone? It's like it's all has went by so fast.


He's been so pacient and loving. He understands my faults. It's all gone by so fast. Life with Him barely seems like any time has been spent for that's how fast the last two years have gone by. Praise Jesus for the gift of…


Added by feet breath on May 29, 2012 at 9:40am — No Comments

Why am I such a mess?

Lord, I'm sorry I'm this way...


I have anxiety attacks. You need people with faith. My faith isn't too strong...

You like it when Your children fellowship. Too many people are the reason I can get an anxiety attack. Why do I seem so useless...


You need people who's strong in witnessing...I'm a timid mouse...


Why am I this way...


Excuse me, I had to take sometime and hold my bear. That way it would help me not cry. I don't…


Added by feet breath on May 28, 2012 at 6:08pm — 6 Comments

I thank God and I thank you guys

I know I've been difficult with things I've put about my life. I ask forgiveness to anyone who I may have hurt. I hope whoever's been hurt, please except my apoligie. I don't want to be a stumbling block to anyone let alone a brother or sister in Christ.


I thank Jesus and I thank you guys for being pacient.


Life can be quite complicated. And, not having brothers and sisters face to face can be challenging. That's why AAG is so importent to…


Added by feet breath on May 26, 2012 at 8:29am — No Comments

When I can't seem to go on much longer

Has it ever seemed the weight of the world was on your shoulders? It seems like that for me.


When your flesh is so vicious and unkind in your life. When it shows no mercy.


When Satan sees that you're weak and gives another kick, kicking you when you're down (that's when he's really likely to show up). When he fires vicious attacks.


When sin surounds you. While, even talking about it, the sin is once again comitted.


When life is…


Added by feet breath on May 25, 2012 at 4:57pm — 14 Comments

Lord, how long until I'm in Your presence freed from all of this pain?

I'm downcasted in spirit. I'm glad Jesus has my restroom anxiety-no I don't want it back. But, now I'm being attacked by something worse. I'm questioning my salvation.


The pain in me is too much to's hurts so bad. I just want to go be with Jesus. My very spirit is in His hands.


There's so much coming at me. I want out of the city and into isolation. Somewhere in the country far from here. Or maybe the woods or a forest...I want to go…


Added by feet breath on May 24, 2012 at 2:07pm — 2 Comments

restroom anxiety-great news! And the JW.

Ok, you know my restroom anxiety I've been complaining about? Well, after being prayed for last night on prayernet and today talking to some people in messageing things are different. Why you ask? Well, because I've given the problem to Jesus. He will take care of it. After all, He's the Creator. He created the human body which includes the urinary system, kidnies, bladder and whatever. If I can't trust the One who created those things for me, than who can I trust? :o) Praise…


Added by feet breath on May 23, 2012 at 8:20am — No Comments


As a broken person where do I begin?


Life's road is like walking on glass, there's so much pain.


I know I belong to Christ, but why does He seem so far away? Probably because of sin. Sin that deeply grieves me.


My soul is filled with sorrow. Am I a hinderance to the body of Christ? What is my purpose?


I was down in a valley, well I fell into a ditch.


My sight is blinded for now I see so much…


Added by feet breath on May 22, 2012 at 9:01am — 1 Comment

It's more than just the restroom fear...

There's also a fear I have some things that I know are demonic.


I'm teriffied of the evil spirit in the mirror....I don't even want to say the name on here. I want to be at peace. I've been tormented with this since 8th grade (yes, the infamous 8th grade yet again). Is there anything to calm down my yet anxious self again? I needed to finally get it out, I'm tired of keeping this in.


There's also another one. There's a story about it with a WV tower in, I…


Added by feet breath on May 21, 2012 at 2:39pm — 1 Comment

What to do, what to do...

There's so many things that come at a person. I want to witness to the JW. But, I read someone's post that I should have a mature Christian with me. I would love that! I don't want to doubt God that He'll send someone...It'd be so much easier if a brother or sister in Christ would talk to them with me!


I'm wondering. Since, I'm almost a two year child in Christ am I mature enough? I don't want to have any of my negativity hurt the Body of Christ.Forgive me for anything that I…


Added by feet breath on May 20, 2012 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

testing faith?

Alot has happened from last night to now. I thought I was going to get sued/prison 5 years because of something that came up. It was a virus! Thanks Char for telling me about the rebooting or whatever.


I'm sorry everyone who tried to help. I thought no one guys were right it was a virus(s?) I'm the one who didn't understand. It was my anxiety yet again...


:sighs: I thought the Holy Spirit was telling me something, now I'm just not…


Added by feet breath on May 18, 2012 at 7:40pm — 6 Comments

life, love-what is the meaning?

I'm wondering what it's like...


What is love? What is life?


I can understand love intulectily, mind wise, from The Holy Spirit letting helping me with 1 Corinth. 13.


But, love. What is like to have it more than just mind wise? To know a person cares...what's it like to know a person cares for you as an individual?


What is life? I see so much pain in life, personal and those around me.


It'd be nice to know what…


Added by feet breath on May 17, 2012 at 8:51am — No Comments

I'm numb right now...

Ok, I read a comment from LT. He's right. Only God can save's up to Him.


There's so much going through my mind right now. I feel like I could cry. I'm scared.


I don't have any other Christians to talk to about this outside of the internet. If I was still in school than...despite knowing the obvious persecution...I could have talked to atleast one of them.


So, much is going through my mind...


"It's not fair,why can't I…


Added by feet breath on May 15, 2012 at 3:40pm — 13 Comments

I want to move on

Ok, I'm tired of so much...I don't want to think about dead cats, chat rooms, fear of restrooms...I want to move on.


There's so much in life that surrounds a person.


Satan puts so much fear into a person and negativity


"You may go blind"


"You're useless"


"Why were you ever even born"


"I wish you were dead"


"You're never going to see properly again"


"You're too…


Added by feet breath on May 14, 2012 at 6:12pm — 3 Comments

I want to heal

Ok, thanks to everyone who's helped me open up and still helping me.


I'm tired of a condition I have...shy bladder.


I'm afriad I'll get made fun of. I'm afraid I'll be rushed (despite there's other stalls). I'm afraid I'll hear a knock...meaning "get out, it's my turn." To open the door and see the person's face...And if they wait they can see me since the doors have cracks...


:sighs: I want this fear to end. I want to take Jesus' hand and not…


Added by feet breath on May 12, 2012 at 11:56am — 10 Comments

Learning about love and persecution

Ok, I was wondering how to share the truth/help people come to Christ or whatever. I think I heard the Holy Spirit tell me show them love. Well, I got a confirmation. For, I can't find the discussion but I think it's Tammy Henson's reply on a discussion about what's the best way to share the gospel or something like that. The answer was/is,love.


Anyway, I was wondering yet again last night. And, guess where I got lead before I went to bed to read? 1 Corinthians…


Added by feet breath on May 11, 2012 at 8:13am — No Comments

I'm sorry

I have to apolijize if I've offended anybody. I know I've been really down and if it's been a stumbling stone to anyone please forgive me...God is helping me get through this and He's brought back hope.


If I have hurt anyone I do ask that you will forgive me. I'm sorry...

Added by feet breath on May 10, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments

my poem, through my eyes

Looking out, peering through the scenes


one sees a world.


A busy world, a hurt world, a lost world.


Looking out something has to be said,


but nothing is said.


For life is in silence.


Crying inside, with a shattered yet hardened heart.


Does anyone care? How could anyone care about someone like me...


Other peoples' pain is different, they need someone to care for…


Added by feet breath on May 10, 2012 at 1:55pm — No Comments

What the name feetbreeze means and I shouldn't hold this in...I've got to blog it

Ok, first of all the name feetbreeze. I was outside sitting on the wooden steps. I took off my shoes and socks(it was a different time than this picture). I could feel the wind/breeze on my feet. It felt awesome! Try it some time (unless medical conditions, like diabities, say otherwise).



Why do I cause people so much pain?




Added by feet breath on May 9, 2012 at 8:37pm — 2 Comments

Jesus is my desire

I desire to....


I want to talk to others about Him! Not in fear because others believe He's an angel but just because He's Jesus!


I don't want religous talk. I know being religious doesn't help...religion trys to make oneself(I've tried that before He saved me, it doesn't work) rightous but true rightousness only comes from God!


I want to be freed from fear, torment, confusion and deception.


I want to be like a little child…


Added by feet breath on May 7, 2012 at 8:18pm — No Comments

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