Ok, I have to open up...what happened in 8th grade. Opening up helps.
My mom told me don't go into chatrooms when I was younger. Well, when I was in 8th grade guess what I did? I went into a chat room on Skype. I thought he was my friend. Well, he asked for something personal, I think he wanted to know what state I lived in. I think I may have told him. I was only like I think 15...
What scares me is when I think I was hesitant he told me I guess we're not…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 30, 2012 at 4:44pm — 3 Comments
Ok, God has something good going. Praise the Lord!
The comprehension for connecting to others in my brain is wired differently. I don't have comprehension like most folks. There's others who would rather talk and interact with each other. I'm not that way. I'd rather study people than talk to them.
Anyways, I'm trying to find out more info. To know more about what other humans are like. You see I'm studing the body, anatomy, but I realized in my…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 30, 2012 at 11:42am — No Comments
:sighs: Ok, I realize now persecution isn't the really big problem (although it's still an issue), we as Christians have to face persecution for what we believe. With Jesus' help I can face any persecution the devil trys to throw at me.
:sighs: I now realize though that I'm not firm in my beliefs. I believe Jesus is God but there's questions that the JW will tell me that I don't know how to respond to.
For ex. If Jesus is God how come He said only God is good?…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 29, 2012 at 9:19pm — 1 Comment
Ok, I hope...maybe atleast someone can relate to this.
Things seem to be going great. But, than life collapses.
When your faith is numb.
When you know there's loved ones in trouble and you can't even speak.
When life piles up so much. When you hear the Holy Spirit keep bringing up 2 Corinthians 12:9 but your spirit, heart, ears and mind have grown numb.
When the stress of life causes your body…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 28, 2012 at 9:29pm — 3 Comments
I was outside, spotted a butterfly and had to take some pictures. It came over and landed on the top of my shoe. Unfortuntly, it flew away before I could take a picture on my shoe and (don't know if it was the same one) later on one flew on my sweater, close to my stomach (unfortuntly it went away before I could take a picture during that time as well). But, I did get to take some pictures, here's one on the flower for the 1st butterfly. Anyway, they say God works in mysterious ways. Well,…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 27, 2012 at 2:53pm — No Comments
Ok, I read in my "Cup of Comfort for Christians" a little girl prayed for, I think it was an easy bake oven. Christmas came and she didn't get it. Years later she got it (as an adult).
I figured it worked for her. So, I prayed for a Kimi (off of Rugrats). I had a Kimi car from burger a long time ago but that's been gone. Anyways, this character is very hard to get. Yesterday, I went to a coin and hobby shop. I looked to see if I could find one. There it was! God answered my…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 26, 2012 at 10:48am — No Comments
I don't know how to invite friends so I have to blog this.
razakabass, I'm sorry I exited out of your chat thing. I'm just not allowed to go into any chatroom.
I guess this blog could be about forgiveness, that we all need it. What does anyone else think?
Added by feet breath on April 25, 2012 at 1:13pm — 3 Comments
but am I equal to other people? The question is more complicated than it looks for me.
Am I less than other people? Why do I get treated with respect here, treated like a person? Am I a person?
I've thought about it before. I don't know what it's like for the most part (aside from mainly internet Christians and certain people and some people who taught me (the one who grabbed my arm is nicer now, praise God!) I don't know what it's like to interact with people…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 24, 2012 at 9:00pm — 7 Comments
Ok, I realize there's a problem. I suffer from bathroom phobias. I've had it for many years. I tried taking it, you could say "a bathroom at a time". I pray no one comes in until it's safe. The root of the problem is still there. And, I keep the fear hidden for the most part within my heart.
Talking about what's happened helps though. I remember in junior high there was a stall but as far as I know there wasn't a lock. A girl I knew opened the door on me...(I know I did that…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 24, 2012 at 4:12pm — No Comments
I've had this problem for most of my life. I have a hard time fitting in with others. Sure, I've had friends...but I'm more isolated from others. I've gotton worse over the years it seems. Now I want to fit in but I'm just so different. I view people differently than others view other human beings. It's difficult to explain.
It's like there's a barrior between me and the rest of mankind. I don't know how...God knows but I still need to know...how can I possibly make a…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 23, 2012 at 2:01pm — 6 Comments
Ok, here is my testamony. Beware though-it is long! :)
It was either late 1991 or early 1992 when mom was told there were other methods. Since, she was sick she could use "other methods" for her pregnency. I obviously wasn't able to be brought to term yet so the doctors were telling her she could terminate her unborn child (which was me). She (please pray for her salvation though) refused, thank God. We're both alive despite that critical moment in time. She had to have me,…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 22, 2012 at 9:50pm — No Comments
Ok, despite, I'm not yet ready to share my testimony with people face to face, I want to share it with people, brothers and sisters in Christ, online. The Holy Spirit has, from the day, Sat. May 29th 2010, Jesus saved my soul from hell and put my name in the book of life to now He's really transforming my life. Yes, God has been pacient and it's almost been two years until I got the courage as I have now from God to share my testimony. I thank Him that He is pacient, He knows how to work…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 21, 2012 at 7:59pm — No Comments
I made a video. Despite not being on youtube anymore I think people should see this
Now the pro-choice believe the fetus is, atleast they claim, than why does one of their books claim the fetus a life along with the mom?
Now the newborns are being labled as non-persons…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 21, 2012 at 7:25am — No Comments
I falsely accused my cat, Gracie, for scratching up my great Aunt, who has passed away when I was little, her dresser.
I judged her without the evidence, jumping to conclusions for the dresser was like that. I asked God and her for forgiveness. What she did reminds me of God's uncondtional love. She wasn't mad she just enjoyed a scratch on/under the chin. Praise God! Jesus forgave me and so did my cat.
Here she is, this was taken awhile back. Thank God, Jesus…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 20, 2012 at 8:25am — No Comments
Ok, I can understand atleast a little bit on witnessing to people who say they're not Christians. Once they find out the Bible's true truth will be easy to see for them. For, than they'll know the deity of Christ, His bodily resurection, grace and not works saves. Of course they need the Father to draw them to His Son, the Holy Spirit's conviction and saved by Christ alone.
But, here's the problem. I know people who think they are Christians with their own corrupted bible and…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 19, 2012 at 9:37pm — No Comments
Put your foot in sand; you'll see a footprint.
Make a fist you'll see the size of your heart (unless possibly you had heart transplant) put it up to your chest.
Take off your shoes and socks (unless certain medical issues say no) and put them up to a breeze (it feels great!)
Throw a rock in the water and see the water make waves.
Look up at the night sky and smell the cool air.
Smile as you see the least of us,…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 18, 2012 at 8:13pm — No Comments
Ok, I realized-Jesus thank you for letting me know-why I'm so intimidated by the cult.
1) There's atleast three people involved (excluding me).
2) One is a man (he's an elder), he's not short but not really really tall. I'm only like a tad bit over 100 pounds and 4 foot 10 and an 8th/ 4 foot 11 (the person who taught me nursing said this is as tall as I'll get). Men are intimidating. It's also intimidating that if it's found out I'm in "Christiendom" I may…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 18, 2012 at 11:16am — No Comments
Ok, God is showing me where I seriously need His help to repent. He's revealed some secret (well one I knew about atleast somewhat) sins. Self pity, fear and jealousy-they're connected.
My self pity is the result of not having face-to-face fellowship. Pitying myself because it seems like every Christian can have human fellowship but me face to face. And, knowing even the little bit of fellowship on here...I won't be able to stay and communicate with other believers. Why?…
ContinueAdded by feet breath on April 17, 2012 at 1:09pm — 1 Comment
I'd like to know how to actually fellowship and fit in with other Christians despite autism.
And, I know Jesus loves anyone-autism or not-I'd just like to hear more about the the autistic's Christian walk with Christ and fellowship with other brothers/sisters in Christ despite autism.
Those who go through something, God uses that to help them symphanize with others or something like that. Maybe someone on here may know what I mean.
Added by feet breath on April 17, 2012 at 10:31am — 2 Comments
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