God is stirring a fire within me to begin to step out and as if it were walking on the water. I am reminded every day of Jer. 6:16 where God spoke to His people and told them to ask for the ancient paths, and where the best road is, and walk in it and you shall live in peace. It is sad but the end of that verse said they would not.
I fail so often to simply ask God to stow me the right path to take and act like the… Continue
Today I choose to trust God with my family that He will help them come to understand The love of God revealed in Christ Jesus. Today I choose to trust God to meet all of my needs, physically,spiritually,financially, and emotionally.
I will praise the Lord even when I do not understand or feel deserted. Yet I will praise you
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I will praise you, Lord my God
Even in my brokeness
I will praise you Lord
I… Continue