I would like to go back from the past experience that I've encountered from a bible study session at the woman's home with a terminal cancer around her neck and was given a week to live(the hospital doctors advised her to spend her days at home). The miracle happened just after she'd listened from the two sisters testimony of their mom's instant healing from a busted vain in the right eye after the reading of Mark 5:26-29 Just right…Continue
Added by mario apalit on March 31, 2010 at 1:30am —
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But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses to the end of the earth.[ Acts 1:8 ]. In all Judea, in Jerusalem, and Samaria are the most possible visited already by the disciples. Jesus said
that before he returns, the Good News about the Kingdom(the salvation)would be
preached throughout the world. This was the disciple's mission, and is ours
today. Jesus talked…