All About GOD

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Ginnybee's Blog – January 2010 Archive (4)

Pride Begets Fear (a conversation with God)

Once again, I find myself battling pride. It’s funny though, how this little enemy can hide itself. Meaning, one usually expects pride’s presentation to illustrate something completely different from what it sometimes does. Certainly, recognizing fear as a byproduct of pride is no easy task. For instance, one might think that he or she stands victim solely to fear--which predictably leads to anxiety, which then of course indicates a need to rebuke or overcome fearful thoughts and emotions--when… Continue

Added by Ginnybee on January 20, 2010 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

Smile - a poem


Smile still in dim of day as proof that not a mound on high can capture your joy away;

When skys look troublesome to your sight, remember the guise of a deceitful plight, because hidden schemes are more distructive;

Deliver your steps unto the path a’straight, for they’ll maintain a way your rescue; whereas phony paths shall display only to foreshow you a’baffle;

And pardon the patron who fails to pray; award him your blessings in response of treason,… Continue

Added by Ginnybee on January 17, 2010 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

What God Expects US to Know

Through general observation, I noticed Christians frequently suffer from self-induced conceptual confinement regarding how they should engage life’s ordinary challenges. Moreover, I hereby publically acknowledge that I am one of those afflicted. To explain, we allow apprehension to torment us. Then decide we want to receive an answer directly from God to the question…what is my destiny? Such a simple question, yet it embodies tremendous consequence. The question usually lingers until… Continue

Added by Ginnybee on January 12, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Why Angels Suffer No Return (Is God unfair?)

I had this come to me recently.

I wondered, what about angels? Not so much what is their purpose, because the bible tells us they are messengers. What I did wonder, however, is why did some angels fall with satan? I have been told before that angels do not possess free-will, or a free spirit. So I had to of course wonder how then did some them fall?

This is what came to me the other night as I pondered this question. Angels DO own an ability to make their own choices; they… Continue

Added by Ginnybee on January 5, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

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