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Todd Robert Princl's Blog – January 2013 Archive (7)

My Amazing Journey part 7

 Sorry for taking so long with my next chapter. Lynn kept a journal of every day while in the hospital. I wanted to make sure I had the dates right for the events that took place. As I was reading I came to a part where Lynn was concerned about the timing of her steroid shots. They initially told her that she would not be getting them until week 24. We were at week 23 and 2 days. Again I think of this as an act of God.

 My mom was the first person that I called when Sean passed away.…


Added by Todd Robert Princl on January 30, 2013 at 11:30am — No Comments

My Amazing Journey part 6.

 So we set up shop in the NICU. Little did we know that our stay would total 110 days. Both babies had patches over their eyes as they were still fused shut. We couldn't have visits til the little ones got settled in. And when we finally could it was only two at a time.

 I remember like it was yesterday when my parents came to see them for the first time. I was proud and excited for this moment. Little did I realize how much of a shock it was for the visitors. We kind of got used to…


Added by Todd Robert Princl on January 21, 2013 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

My Amazing Journey part 5

 I work swing shift at a paper mill. So you could say that I am pretty much sleep deprived with swinging between days and nights. On my off days I would go to the hospital and spend time with Lynn. When I really needed to catch up on sleep I would stay at home. The cot that they gave me to sleep on was not the most comfortable. But it wasn't even close to the situation that my wife was going through.

 They had a fitness center at the hospital. So one morning after sleeping on that cot…


Added by Todd Robert Princl on January 17, 2013 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

My Amazing Journey part 4

 I used to get frustrated with the lack of communication between Lynn and I. I always felt like we needed to talk over situations that crush our heart. Within a 5 year period she lost a father, grandmother, brother (at 27) and part of our family. Me on the other hand had not lost anyone in my life that was close to me. I knew she was hurting inside and I felt like she needed to talk about it. Now, my wife is one strong lady. She is much stronger than I am as I tend to get consumed with my…


Added by Todd Robert Princl on January 16, 2013 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

My Amazing Journey part 3

 The thought of triplets weighed heavy on my mind. All I could think about was the odd one out. The thought of twins was something that seemed easier. Mommy, daddy, baby, baby. Playing musical chairs with three of them seemed like a lot of work for someone that lacks in multi-tasking skills.

 After a while I figured I'll just make the best of the situation.

 Now Lynn was doing what all good mothers do. She was buying books, following a diet plan, buying all the furniture, etc.,…


Added by Todd Robert Princl on January 15, 2013 at 9:00am — No Comments

My Amazing Journey Part 2

So, it was time to make a baby. After the first month of no success we just thought, "be patient, these things take time. We are a little up there in age so that may be the factor." But after 6 months we started exploring alternatives. We visited a fertility clinic and he gave us the best course of action to take. Going this route the chances of multiples increases. So I thought having twins would be kind of cool.

 So finally the day came. My wife was pregnant. I did the best I could…


Added by Todd Robert Princl on January 11, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

My Amazing Journey

 The year was 2000. I was living the high life (or so I thought) I was single, had a good job, my own house, and I was just enjoying this spontaneous lifestyle that I created for myself. Nobody to worry about but myself.

 Then Lynn walked into my life. She was different than all the other girls that I dated in the past. Life was too easy before she came around. She was able to get me off my so called high horse. She was exactely what I needed.

 So, we had a courtship that had a…


Added by Todd Robert Princl on January 10, 2013 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

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