All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  • 69, Male
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disabled/retired/full time ministry
I'm here to...
To be ministered to. Lift up the name of Jesus. Form friendships and serve where I can.
Jesus. All else was vanity.
Ministering to those being missed by some churches.
Music. water sports,
I'm passionate about...
Jesus. Someday I know he is going to use me as he has used me in the past in a ministry where the unwanted are ministered to. I am passionate about God's throw away teens. The abused, from broken homes.... got the picture?
My story with God
The great backslider. I am grateful that God provides salvation and does not condemn me when in Christ Jesus .

I will never forget the day I met Jesus. The new age occult practices that I was bombarded with was leading me in a life that provided nothing but death without Christ.
Other stuff about me:
Over exuberant when I get behind something. I have been blessed with many talents which I was successful in the world but left me searching. I worked in the best restaurants in Maui, Hawaii, my home of many years. I then inadvertently went into medical massage therapy and was headed for a medical career with outstanding grades that put me at the top of my class. When I was saved in 1989 and headed to pre-med school I got a word form God to change my career goals and obtain a degree in human services and counseling. I worked for the state of Alaska in a juvenile corrections facility and group homes for the lost, throw away teens. This was ironic as I was incarcerated at the age of 12 in a black reform school in the south.

I was healed of cancer four years ago along with other ailments. I cannot deny Christ and am directed to preach and serve in ministry. I have no idea what god has for me but do have some clear vision as to what to do. I am learning to give it all to HIM and life is joyful again.

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Rix's Blog

First ministry with an organized group.

Posted on June 15, 2008 at 11:39pm 2 Comments

[ Draft ] I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in a church group that is alive and on the unusual side. Our church is next door to a bar in a small community. The ministry is patterned after the Matthew 9 account of Jesus joining Matthew and the sinners. A busy week of fixing the building up, a real challenge as it is a historical building (bank) from the 1849 California gold rush days. Many of those hurt by mainstream churches are being attracted and the Lord is moving.

It… Continue

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At 3:12am on December 18, 2009, kathleen aldea said…

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At 6:44pm on December 8, 2009, Pastor Bob B said…

At 6:10pm on November 26, 2008, Leonard T said…
God Bless & Happy Thanksgiving.

At 2:29am on September 20, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 4:31pm on July 31, 2008, Grace4u2receive said…

Thought you'd enjoy this!
At 11:04am on July 20, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 1:10pm on July 12, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Brother I am as lost as you with computer stuff.
Contact Greg and maybe he will know. Have a blessed day sir.
At 4:59am on July 12, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 10:55am on July 10, 2008, Yoel charan said…

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