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I'm here to...
I am MalliBhaskarRao working as Director of UNIVERSAL CHRISTIANMINISTRIES-INDIA,, by the grace of the Lord being actively involved in the Church Ministry. I am blessed with one son LeelaArunSagar and two daughters LeeaRizpah, and Achsah. My wife name is AdiLakshmi. God has given me the privilege to be the director for UNIVERSAL CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES, which is working for the development of tribal communities and social victims at our area as my life’s focus.
Universal Christian Ministries (UCM) is a registered
mission working among the Yerukala and Yanaditribes, which are
backward, with a clear vision of developing them spiritually and
I'm passionate about...
1. Church Ministry : - UCM is having 10 Churches and prayer cell
groups in many areas. The Main goal of UCM is soul winning and
establishing churches in the needed areas. As God is strengthening us
we are moving towards that goal. Every week we conduct street
evangelism gatherings at least three times each week. We have a team
of 10 native evangelists, who are working for this voluntarily,
without any support though they are in need of having support. We
conduct gospel crusades at least in 5 areas during summer vacation.
Though this crusade ministry is beyond our economic level, our
soul-winning burden is forcing us to moving forward. As a result we
are depending more upon Him. We conduct a special children camp with
200 children every year during summer vacation. God really is working
in the lives of the children, and UCM is conducting a 3 days special
youth retreat providing shelter, food etc.

2. Rehabilitation ministry :- UCM has taken a special task of
developing the tribes called "Yerukala" and "Yanadi". Since I am from
that community God has given a special burden to do something for
them. In these communities more people are dacoits??, robbers
and criminals. Because of this they are facing harassment and arrests
by the Police. 70% people from these communities are depending upon
thefts and spending their valuable time in jails term of 7 years, 10
years and some times 14 years, leaving their families and loved ones.
And another thing is police are harassing the family members remaining
at home. These conditions are leading people again to look at
robberies and making way for their children to be the same as dacoits,
robbers and criminals.

So now we focus on the rehabilitation and reformation of
Ex-criminals who want to come back to their normal life and join in
the mainstream society, so that social victimization can be prevented
and future generation will be rescued. Under this program UCM has
rehabilitated 127 hard core criminals belonging to the same community.
UCM is providing necessary needs for these communities giving an
opportunity to lead a civilized and meaningful life. All this is done
by the love of Christ. We purely acknowledge that this is by God and
not our strength. Please pray for this, to be continued and not be
disturbed by the financial and other problems.3. Orphanage ministry :- UCM is running an orphanage presently with 18
children who are fatherless, motherless and very poor. UCM is
providing food and clothing partially. We give breakfast and dinner
after the tuition. Children have their lunch in the school through mid
day meal program me by the Government. UCM is praying to take more
children if it gets generous sponsors to take care of them. This
ministry is going through small contributions from the ministry. UCM
has no sponsors anywhere in the world. Orphanage is in need of
infrastructure and proper leading and toys for their leisure. Please
pray for this.
My story with God
Prayer Requirts and future mission :- UCM is running churches in
rented houses in some areas. We need church constructions. We want to
establish Churches where presently prayer cell groups are running UCM
is trying to develop the Yerukala and Yanadi Tribes in all possible

UCM is planning to conduct a pastor’s conference to
encourage pastors and evangelists. For that UCM is waiting for the
right people to do it in right time
Other stuff about me:
In some areas UCM has a piece of land and a Church
construction should be taking place. In some areas we need to buy land
for Church. Please pray for UCM. We are praying for the hands to join
us to uplift the burdens in the ministry. God be glorified.

UCM has special burden on weavers community very small gospel work is
done, so far in this community. Every summer UCM IS CODUCTING
CRUSADES and CHILDREN BIBLE SCHOOL PROGRAM AND YOUTH RETREATS in that area. In this community people are idolaters and

still spoiling their lives by serving superstitions. We may take
extreme opposition when we go there. But we are praying and preparing;
please hold us up in your prayers.

Thank you for spending time to read this and you are heart fully
welcome to give guidelines, applications and any network programs. If
there is any proposal to promote your organization in India we are
with you.if you want we will send children camps .baptism and other activities photos

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At 7:51am on May 1, 2014, journeyman said…

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