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isabelle klar
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isabelle klar's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
united states
retired secretary
I'm here to...
discuss issues with people who are struggling
grandchildren, reading, browsing internet
I'm passionate about...
My story with God
I grew up in a devout Catholic family, was taught by nuns, and feel I had an excellent education.
Other stuff about me:
Socializing is not important to me; a couple close friends is all I need; I clean houses for part-time income; also do gardening for free for a few old people who take joy in it but can't physically handle it anymore. I greatly fear that I'm not doing enough to merit heaven.

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At 6:50pm on March 8, 2008, Pastor Gill said…

Girly Comments & Graphics

Welcome to the site.
Love and Blessings.
Gill xx
At 11:01am on March 8, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Isabelle!
What a pleasure to have you join us! Its soo great to see new friends join us as we walk with our Lord. Im happy you decided to walk with us!

I think your schooling is awesome I would imagine you had a very good experience and your full of the Lord.

Having a couple close friends is really good, Someone who you can trust an talk to about anything.That is a real friend. I myself, tend to get too social and God has to hold back the reigns on me. I love all my family and friends in Christ, but yes, God must be first and foremost and I think you got that down pretty good.

I do want to add, that it is not by works that we are saved, but by grace . Its not what we "do" its "who" we are in Him. He paid the penalty for our sins once and for all. When we are saved in Christ, the spirit works in us and through us to want to do the good works that naturally comes since God is in you. I get all frustated too thinking that Im not doing enough, which leaves me burned out and exhausted. So God has to gently take me by the hand and say,"My daughter, I love you. Your salvation is a free gift. You didnt earn it. Now, rest in me."

I love you, and I hope I helped. and again Im glad you are here with us.

God Bless you,
Network moderator
At 10:25am on March 7, 2008, AAG Netguy said…
Hi Isabelle,

This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Thanks so much for joining.

I noticed in your comment in your profile that you were unsure whether you were doing "enough to merit heaven". I can tell with absolute certainty what God's answer is to your question. That answer is found in the Bible.

The Bible says, " one will ever be saved by obeying the law" (Galatians 2:16). On the basis of what the Bible teaches I can guarantee that neither you, I, or anyone else can MERIT heaven!

The Bible also says, "Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it" (Ephesians 2:9-10).

Isabelle, no one can ever earn or deserve Heaven. People are absolutely hopeless before a holy God. We all deserve Hell, but there is a way God has made for us to be saved.

Please visit to learn what the Bible teaches about God's Way to be saved.

Once again, thank you for being here and let us know what questions you have, okay?

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