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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

andrew bussenschutt
  • 60, Male
  • New South Wales
  • Australia
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If we died with Him,we will also live with Him; If we endure,we will also reign with Him....2 Timothy 2:11-12

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I'm here to...
learn to be more like Jesus and to meet like minded people.
drawing ,motorcycles ,gardening,fishing.
I'm passionate about...
What the Bible has to teach.

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Andrew bussenschutt's Blog

Prayer for

Posted on April 5, 2009 at 3:30am 4 Comments

Prayer for I pray to my Heavenly Father,that you armour and protect from any person or thing that would disrupt the great love and goodness that this site has on offer,but may this site grow from strength to strength and become an inspiration to non-believers around the world,bringing them closer to Jesus,and to increase the faith of those who do believe.May the glory be yours forever, Amen

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At 8:45pm on September 22, 2010, INTERNET MISSIONARY said…
stopping in to say hi :)

At 4:01pm on February 9, 2010, INTERNET MISSIONARY said…

At 10:59am on February 7, 2010, Ginnybee said…
At 6:34am on August 2, 2009, Christine Mhaie T. Cabesas said…
thank you my friend...
"God is so BIG,
He can cover d
world with love.
So small, He can
stay inside your
So wise, He
knows all your
but grants
what's BEST for you'.
At 8:14pm on July 4, 2009, john sentury said…
Greetings from our lord jesus christ.........
there is nothing more important than developing a friendship with is impossible for us to know God without having a deep relationship with him.the more we become God's friend. the more we will care about the things God cares about.jacob's passion for God's blessing on his life was so intense.he wrestled with God all night, saying,i will not let you go unless you bless me.wrestling involves close contact,and it takes time and effort. remember, you are as close to God as you choose to be.thank you.God bless you.
At 5:23pm on May 11, 2009, The Shearer. said…
Hello everyone ,if you are just reading this and you want to ask or send Andrew Bussenschutt any thing please go to my other page ,The Shearer where I can respond to you,thank you so much, sorry for any inconvenience and God bless.
At 2:22pm on April 23, 2009, The pilgrim said…
Hello dear andrew i think the chat is not working and it is getting late here so i should sign out hopefully will chat with u tomorrow ........ have a blessed day.
remain blessed.
with His love ur sis, tg.
At 6:49am on April 12, 2009, INTERNET MISSIONARY said…

At 11:43pm on April 11, 2009, The pilgrim said…
Hello dear andrew,


The Gift Of Easter

Easter is the gift of HOPE

Easter is the gift of PEACE

Easter is the gift of LOVE

Let us rejoice in Him,

Who gives them all.

May God bless you at Easter,

And keep you all year through.

May God give you all the faith it takes,

To make your dreams come true.

May His love and wisdom always help,

To guide you on your way.

May His light shine down upon you now,

To bless your Easter Day.

May your Easter be filled with
Hope, Peace, and Love.

“For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for
the unjust, so that He might bring us to God” _1 Peter 3:18

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