thank God for having you as my friend.. and will always be here .. forever friends!!!! 'love you sis.. keep praying for me and my family... do keep in touch ok .. God bless you
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Thank you dear sister for your comment on my page, keep your eyes on HIM, as you said it He will never leave you, He sees you through, i pray may all thing work for your good. we are glad you join us again, and we are glad to hear that the Lord is ministering to you through this site, praise the Lord. I don't know if you can merge the two pages together, i will ask Greg TheNET Coordinator's, and we will let you know.
May the Lord keep blessing you, and a make you a blessing.
Remain blessed.
Your sister in HIM.
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BACK!!!Welcome to our Community in Christ once again and it would be my pleasure to call you friend again,
I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.
This group will make you laugh -
This group will teach you bible doctrines -
This group will teach you how to be equipped
and this one focuses on Godly relationships.
Be blessed and a blessing
And HE (Jesus Christ) IS The Image of The invisible GOD,
the First-born of ALL creation.
May the Lord keep blessing you, and a make you a blessing.
Remain blessed.
Your sister in HIM.
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