Started this discussion. Last reply by Tammy Jul 27, 2013. 4 Replies 0 Likes
Going through a couple things in life and I would just like for you all to pray for me and for my son.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Chip Fitzpatrick Jul 31, 2013. 3 Replies 3 Likes
Hope is the opposite of dread and a close relative of faith. When we have faith in God, it leads to hope, and our outlook on life and the future is positive. Hope allows us to leave our unanswered…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Richard L. Broch, Sr. Jul 25, 2013. 2 Replies 0 Likes
"To thine own heart be true," the old saying goes. It remains a timely and relevant life lesson that all of us would do well to remember. When we veer off the course that our heart is advising us to…Continue
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Have a blessed week my sweet sisXO
Stopping by with blessings for the weekend. Love always my sis in ChristXO
So glad you are in the fellowship with us here in the Lord. God brings us together to grow stronger in Him. My blessings to you my sis in ChristXO
Hi Tara 27,
Thank you for your offer of friendship. I am honored to be your friend.
The Lord bless you, and keep you,
The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you,
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Hello Tara, Greetings in the Lord! This is The pilgrim, one of the moderators here on TheNET. Welcome! We're glad you are here!
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