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Susan Mathews
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United States
Student of Healthcare Administration
I'm here to...
Find fellowship with my brothers & sisters in Christ
Learning how to live in a way that would make God proud of the effort he put into creating me. I am currently in my third year of college at the University of Phoenix (an online program) majoring in Healthcare Administration with an emphasis on Information Technology & Systems. I want to someday be a Patient Advocate to help others find their way in an increasingly unfriendly and confusing healthcare system. I know the pain and suffering that can happen in these settings and want to help my brothers and sisters to find the community and state/federal resources they need to survive, and better yet, thrive!
I'm passionate about...
God. I am also passionate about learning about Jesus and what he did to bring us closer to God after our fall from grace. I am passionate about my fellow brothers and sisters, and want to do all that I can to help them find their way to Christ and live a life that is full of hope and promise, giving proper glory to Him through our thoughts and actions.
My story with God
I have always loved God very passionately, but tried to do it in a VERY secular way since religion was SO distasteful. I have hated religion all my life, but didn't realize how much it had distanced me from His love, guidance, and protection. I don't hate religion anymore, but still don't care for it. I don't want my walk with God to be about ritual and become a rut, resulting in inevitable apathy. I want passion and fire, as God created me to feel and express the most profound emotions possible. If I don't laugh with tears and cry with complete abandon when I worship God, then I'm not doing it right. Until this point, I hadn't realized how critically important it is to speak my thoughts (about God) aloud (in prayer and otherwise) and to allow my emotions (about God) to be seen and felt by others. This has been a huge revelation for me, because before I had always seen it as all for show, like some kind of soap opera or entertainment, not realizing the true significance and purpose it had in bringing me closer to others & to God. I am but an infant in my knowledge, and I now see I will spend my lifetime (really, an eternity!!) learning about the love He has for me, and for all of us, and growing with that knowledge.
Other stuff about me:
I have a wonderful and very Christ-like husband (Praise the Lord, for He is bountiful in His love), who has prayed for me and with me through all my years of doubt. I also have three children, who are now 13-17, who have suffered because of my doubts as they grew. I pray that they see the changes in me and want to find the source of my changed life: God and his excellence on earth manifested through the birth and life of Jesus! I am so thankful for my opened eyes, hearing ears, and unhardened heart! I recently watched 'Fireproof' and 'Faith Like Potatoes' and they made me cry with shame for all the things I have unwittingly done to hurt my Lord and Saviour! Glory be to God in the highest!!

P.S. I also need to mention that my mother was diagnosed with MS more than 10 years ago, and when we bought a place here in Montana we asked her to move in with us. I didn't want her being taken care of by strangers since we had no family left in Texas where we came from (me & my mom). Regardless, she now lives with us and takes care of all the household chores like cleaning and washing, not because we want or expect her to, but because she needs to feel like a contributing member of the family. I love her to pieces, but there are times that her aging ways really get under my skin (as with all parents I am sure). Pray for me, brothers and sisters, that I might find the kindness and compassion that I intended to fill her last days with (not that she is by any means dying!), as sometimes life and my mind takes me so very far from my heart.

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Susan Mathews's Blog

Support Group (NA)

Posted on May 24, 2009 at 10:38am 0 Comments

Hello everyone. I finally found an NA group at a local Catholic parish and attended for the first time on Thursday of last week. It was enlightening. The majority of the people in the group were very young and all part of the same Job Corps that my son graduated from more than a month ago. This did not both me much, but I did long for people my own age to relate to. They all went around and shared their experiences, but it took so much time that the hour was up before we knew it and I had no… Continue

Needing to Confess (Addiction)

Posted on May 15, 2009 at 10:15am 5 Comments

Brothers and Sisters...I am in the midst of struggle right now. I have finally admitted that I have an issue with addiction and am needing to move forward through it. Since my accident almost three years ago, I have been taking a single prescribed medication (Tramadol or Ultram, 50mg 2x day) for pain and depression. I have become dependent on it to get me moving in the morning, and to give me motivation to move through the day. I find that my doctor doesn't seem to know or care about what this… Continue

Questions for Me and for Us All

Posted on May 2, 2009 at 12:34pm 3 Comments

It is truly spring outside today. The birds are singing, the crocus and tulips have been up for better than two weeks, and the colors are dazzling. Why, then, am I having such inner struggles? I started volunteering at a local hospital last week, and although newly joined, was nominated the Auxillary Club's new secretary for the next two years. I was the only person that seemed to have the interest and the energy of spirit for the job. It seems that only older women (and one man) feel the need… Continue

Another Sad & Beautiful Day To Grow & Learn

Posted on April 26, 2009 at 6:58pm 0 Comments

Ok, everybody. I didn't go to church this morning. I was kinda burnt out after going to the study the other nite and just needed a break from ritual. I don't want my going to church to become a habit, or worse yet, a rut. I want it to feel new and fresh, and I actually want to go because I feel the urge to be there with the Lord and all my brothers and sister, and not because I am expected to be there.

I was glad when Todd finally made it home yesterday. It was awful without him and… Continue

Feeling Down

Posted on April 24, 2009 at 1:57pm 2 Comments

I heard from Todd yesterday that he wouldn't be home until the early morning hours of Saturday. I was bummed. I went to bed exhausted, from only God knows what, because I can't remember doing a single thing of use the whole day. When I awoke this morning I was still exhausted. I hit the snooze three times before getting up to take the girls to school. I woke my son up when I got back. He had an interview for a job this morning @ 10 and needed time to get ready. I wandered back to the living… Continue

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At 7:21pm on February 27, 2015, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA said…

At 7:20pm on February 27, 2015, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA said…

At 9:50am on May 24, 2010, rosary flasius gave Susan Mathews a gift
can you add me as your friend, thank you
At 2:33am on April 30, 2010, rosary flasius gave Susan Mathews a gift
already i sent you friends request ma'am
At 7:15am on December 21, 2009, kathleen aldea said…

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At 10:05pm on July 23, 2009, kathleen aldea said…
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At 11:44pm on June 26, 2009, Eric Johnson Jr. said…
Praise the Lord. God bless you and family. Smile Jesus loves you. Philippeans 3:13-14.
At 2:45pm on June 4, 2009, SirHughy said…
Sorry for not being clear. There is nothing about me, nor my work that is remarkable. I depend on Christ everyday of my life. I think I would be unable to do what I do with out his strength. Of course most psychiatrist's would not say that. When I arrive home, I generally put on my running gear and run until I get tired. I then have my quite times with Jesus in prayer. Most generally I share my testimony with some of the homeless men that come to the shelter looking for medical care, there are some other intercity doctors that volunteer also. I offer my apology for my vague comment.

At 8:51am on June 4, 2009, SirHughy said…
Not is a tough word, can is a very good word.
I work long hours and generally run until my body is tired and I pray unceasingly about my work while seeking guidance from our Lord. I am a fisher of men.

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