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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Stephen C.E. Avent
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Stephen C.E. Avent's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
US Veteran/Disability
I'm here to...
Meet people, not be lonely anymore - serious trust issues
Video games(100% - Mostly RPG's, 95% games that don't have anything to do with anything that goes against God), Swimming(mostly with family), going to the gym (alone or with people -20%), Freelance Video Recording(used to, but not much anymore -75%), Writing (when depression doesn't get in the way- 90% of the time). I like dogs, don't have one as a pet anymore. I like to cook, I'm limited on what I can eat, so its best if I do it 90% - my mom's better than me), Riding my bike - 10%, Praying - more times a day these past few years, than the last 15-20 years put together). I like to go for walks only with the right person - 20%, talking with my friends online, friends at the local Gamestop store - 75%. I like Japanese Animation
I'm passionate about...
Videogames, Writing, my family, God/Jesus
My story with God
My brother died on March 11, 1982, when I was 15 yrs old he was 16 yrs old. From this arose an anger & sadness unmatched for over 35 years. Take anger out on myself other than hurt anyone like I've been hurt, hit things: garage doors, cement, brick walls, trees, hard metal, hard plastic, with my right hand(bloodied), so that the pain can consume the anger, these days, too old, hurts too much, just yell at video games badly, uses severe bad language -(not Lord's Name In Vain). Suffer from severe food allergies, no fresh fruit, no fresh vegetables, no nuts, IBS - no fried or grilled foods(90%), no butter of any kind, no bacon, no peanut butter, no soda pop(but still drink it- penalties), no chocolate -(still eat it - penalties). I don't/never have smoked, drank or done drugs, ever in my life, figured with my temper as bad as it is, it wouldn't do me or anyone any good. God's been through all this with me, even helped me through many difficult times, still does, I love him everyday, I pray more times now, than I did when I was younger..

When I was in my 20's/30's, I could watch television shows, some PG rated, even in some of those there would be swearing, or light on the Lord's Name In Vain - nothing from me, I heard nothing - I'd say for the last 5-10 years, if I hear the Lords Name In Vain, whether its in a Videogame, a Movie, in print, online, someone says it, and I hear it, I say: "Forgive them Lord Jesus for saying your name in vain", even in a movie theater, I just can't help myself, I must do it.
Other stuff about me:
Parents Divorced: Age 12
Brother Passed Away: Age 15

Napa Valley College: 1985 - 1988 (Graduated High School -1985)

US Military: US Army (Active Duty - Overseas - Turkey) 1988-1990

USAFRE -US Air Force Reserve 1991-1996/1998-2000

Civil Service - Mare Island Naval Shipyard: 1991 - 1996(Closed)

Private Sector: Security Specialist: 2000-2008(3 Companies)

2008 - Present : Disability (Major Depression Disorder)

Never Married, No kids. I like kids to a point, not teenagers so much....

Have a cousin who lets his 3 kids be my nephews and niece, because I'll never truly be a real Uncle, I have no brother. The two boys 10 & 11 suffer from full to mild Autism, the girl 9 is normal. He lives in Arizona, I never get to see them.

I play video games, try to play those that don't slap God/Jesus in the face, (no "z" garbage, no horrors - 99%). Mostly RPG's(Role Playing Games) : Fallout Series, Wild Arm Series, Final Fantasy Series, Breath of Fire Series, Halo Series, Mass Effect Series, Tales Series, Magna Carta Series, Dragon Quest Series, Dynasty Warriors Series, Burnout Series(Road Rage & Crash), anything & everything else that has anything to do with exploring, magic, weapons modification, crafting, fighting, that is an RPG.

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At 10:28am on February 1, 2017, journeyman said…

Hello, Greetings in the Lord! This is Journeyman, one of the moderators here on The NET. Welcome! We're glad you are here! I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

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Once again, thanks for joining The NET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

At 11:07pm on January 25, 2017, Tammy said…

Thank you for serving our country

At 6:11pm on January 24, 2017, Tammy said…

Welcome to AAG. So you like kids but only to a point. That is funny.


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