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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Starla Newton
  • Female
  • Katy, Texas
  • United States
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I had to think about it for a moment, but most of all, I am thankful for God's grace. My whole life is hinged on His forgiveness and saving grace. When I am feeling like I'm not good enough and I don…

Posted on September 20, 2009 at 10:13pm 0 Comments

I had to think about it for a moment, but most of all, I am thankful for God's grace. My whole life is hinged on His forgiveness and saving grace.

When I am feeling like I'm not good enough and I don't feel like I'm behaving like a "Perfect Christian", if there were such a thing, then the Father in a still small voice says to me, "My Grace is Sufficient for you".

I believe that we all have a tendancy to get caught up in the "I'm not good enough or the I don't deserve", syndrome.… Continue

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At 5:49pm on October 19, 2008, Rose said…
Hi, Starla, Glad to meet you. Thank you for the advice you gave me about taking one day at a time. I am praying and putting your advice in action. Please pray that God will guide me.

God bless you!

At 2:04pm on October 8, 2008, Nienie said…
Hi Starla
Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

Please be sure to fill out your profile as completely as you can so that we can get to know you better. I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with

Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

Many blessings
At 11:36pm on October 7, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
enjoy this video my friend..this is the reason why we are here doing ministry ...for WE ARE THE REASON.....

God bless u....

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