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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Sabrina Thornton
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united states
on disability
I'm here to...
find some answers,maybe help someone find an answer I might know?
reading, beading, love to go camping and fishing. Love music
I'm passionate about...
making myself right with God, reading the bible,
My story with God
In my growing up, I had some pretty heavy(abuse)and verbal
It happens that my moms best friend had a daughter my age. We soon became best friends ourselves. My family did not belive in God never went to church. On one of the times I was spending the night she asked me if I knew Jesus? I said no I didn't. but that was all she said. Well, I idolized her. so if she knew Jesus I was going to know Jesus. So he became my invisible friend. when I went home he went everywhere with me.even school. it didn't take long for the kids to tease me. I was VERY unpopular in school. I was bullied. before it was popular. I thought maybe everyone could tell I was being sexually abused like there was some kind of sign on me. Jesus was my best friend when I was at home. from the age of 6 to 9 he was my Mr. nobody(invisible friend. until two old ladys came to our door and asked if I had Jesus in my heart? I said no but he lives here... He's my best friend. they then asked me, then he must live in your heart too. So I stood at my door and asked Jesus into my heart. From that day on these two old lady's took me to there church Baptist church. ( Thank the Lord they weren't Jehovah witnesses)and I learned that you had to have him in your heart to have a relationship with him. but I can tell you he was with me all the time, especially. when our live in babysitter would come into my room at night. I think Jesus kept me sane all those years. It was about two years from the time he was my Mr. nobody till those old ladies came to my door. He saved my life.
Other stuff about me:
I have fibromyalgia, and nerve damage in my back. so I don't go anywhere much. like to stay home. I also suffer from depression. when I was little I used to cut myself. so I know a lot about self-hatred. I still fight that today. Anyway that's about it. Oh and I'm married. for the second time. lost my first husband to kidney failure.

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At 4:42pm on August 23, 2014, The pilgrim said…
Hello Sabrina, Greetings in the Lord! This is The pilgrim, one of the moderators here on TheNET. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.
I also invite you to join the women's group to participate in chats and find support from other women.
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Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

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