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 God made us great originals but in the end some of us become great copy cats. We need to be uncommon people to be resurrected by God for everyone to see how great we are.
 To be a Christian you need to have purpose, prayer, perceive and then you’ll have power.
 The resurrection did not stop at Calvary it is still happening to this day and God is resurrecting His people.
 Everybody is trying to fast to get to heaven but God does not need us to work in heaven He need us to work on earth.
 Meaning of F~A~I~T~H For always ill trust Him.
 God made us the head and not the tail- there’s a King in me.
 When we climb the ladder we need to be careful the ladder is not leaning on the wrong building and if the ladder is leaning on the wrong building we need to get down quickly and find the right building.
 We need to seek God early in our life, not when it’s too late and then decide to ask God spiritual questions and questions regarding eternity. Life is like vapor it vanishes quickly.
 Maybe we don’t believe in Jesus as Lord but we owe it to our-self to investigate and search the Bible for answers and then we can make a decision which way we want to go. God will reveal Himself to those that search Him. Peter did not believe the people when they said to him that Jesus as risen but at least he went in the tomb to investigate.
 We want the title but we don’t know what comes with the title.
 Let the life of Jesus fill you right now. Life is the source of healing. Life is more important than healing.
 Sickness wither and die in Jesus name.
 Jesus was in the storm but He did not allow the storm in Him. His disciples were in the storm but they allowed the storm in them.
 If you are in the darkness right now do not light your own fire. Lean on God, trust in God and stay upon your God.
 When you feed the sheep of God they stay healthy. When you feed the sheep the Word of God they multiply and never go hungry and astray.
 Our problems don’t move God. Our praises, our mouth and prayers move God.
 Our enemy is three fold, the world, the flesh and the devil.
 You cannot change the color of your skin but you can change your heart when you meet Jesus.
 The prophets prayed for the coming of the Messiah and the Messiah prayed for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
 When you sin you give strength to the devil but when you obedient you weaken the devil.
 The blood that was flowing in Mary was from God and not her own.
 Before men wore clothes they wore the Glory of God.
 The thing that makes you beautiful is the inner woman in you. When you loose the glory you become ugly.
 Do not run away from Gods presence because you think you know it all. If you want your identity back run back into Gods presence. God will restore His glory back to you.
 Thank You Lord that we are one color the color of the Holy Spirit and thank You Lord that we are one blood.
 Heavenly Father thank You for the tangible presence of Jesus.
 Meaning of L~I~F~E live in faith everyday.
 We need to have three homes, family, church and our heavenly home. Christ is the key to all three homes.
 Christ is the silent listener to every conversation.
 The triangle of life is Christ, husband and wife.
 When your praises go up Gods blessing comes down.
 The key to success is being grateful.
 When you down to nothing God is up to something.
 God is always driving not reversing.
 If you do not build Gods house He will quit building yours.
 Do not doubt in the dark what you have heard in the light.
 The easiest way to gain wealth is to get the wealthy saved.
 Our ears are not garbage cans to be filled with trash. We need to go about minding our own business.
 First God gives to His children and second we give to our God.
 We start doing things that are good ideas but not Gods ideas and then we start getting ourselves into serous trouble.
 You need to be a vehicle of Gods love to every person.
 Jesus you are the Prince of my praise.
 Father the people is one I am two and You are three.
 Live supernaturally in a natural world.
 You cannot go to the next level eating the same old food.
 Jesus makes His children fire proof, lion proof and waterproof.
 Without Jesus you don’t have the glue to stick your life.
 Without Jesus the chair that you sitting on will decompose. Only He holds the structure to the chair.
 It’s possible to be up there but still be down. God can heal cancer and He can also heal sin.
 There’s woman’s day, men’s day and valentines day but did you ask God for a healing day.
 Life is meant to be simple. God, the garden, man and woman.
 Your mind, soul and spirit are close neighbors we need to be careful that none of them have any kind of disease otherwise the rest will be contaminated.
 Soon we are going to leave our old home to be with our new home with the inside of us.
 God was the first radio journalist when He said to Adam where are you.
 I am just a vehicle saying thus sayeth the Lord.
 Your identity is your Bible and your password is Jesus.
 People have two things in common our hearts and the Holy Spirit.
 If you do not hope you will not find what is beyond your hope.
 God is giving us the opportunity to grow up so that He will show up.
 How can the Holy Spirit dwell in a believer if the believer is a loser?
 Faith is the currency of heaven.
 You must hear it, believe it and tell it.
 Jesus was given to everybody so He is everything you want Him to be.
 If we spoke about good news we can turn bad news into good news.
 Jesus is the reason for every season.
 When you except Jesus you find out what love is all about.
 Instead of nursing the hatred in the darkness let the truth shine in the light.
 Lord our ministry doesn’t need correction but it needs to be shaped and preserved.
 You can only be a public success only if you are a private success.
 When God starts something He will bring to completion.
 God has entrusted us with the great mandate.
 The church is the hospital of God. He has all the tools there to repair and restore us.
 Atmosphere was created for miracles. We are the distribution network of Jesus Christ.
 Jesus is the solution to your pollution.
 The purity of the gospel goes as far as the pollution of the world.
 Don’t compromise be wise choose energy wise the Holy Spirit.
 We need to find a rope and tie ourselves to the altar of God.
 It’s more important to talk to God about people than to talk to people about God.
 Reach for the sky you might get a star but instead reach out to Jesus the creator of the star.
 We may not walk close to God but God is always walking close to us.
 When God gets involved things will come to an end.
 Fasting is body language and talk to God.
 Worshiping God supercharges your fast.
 Evangelism is one hungry beggar showing another hungry beggar were to find bread.
 People that don’t have money to get healed have to rely on God for healing.
 Jesus is with us and He works through us.
 Children of God must show hungry people were to find food.
 Take your eyes of the problem and look at the problem solver.
 Who you run with determines who you go with. Are you running with Jesus?
 Wisdom is looking at life from Gods point of view.
 People that are born again are like unpredictable wind.
 Your heart needs to find its home. Is your heart set on Jesus?
 Look at the signs because it knows more than the speed cops.
 Gods Word is sweeter than honey.
 Choose honesty because it is clean water but when you choose dishonesty you choose dirty water.
 Practice makes perfect and God makes eternal blessings for you.
 In the heat of the battle there’s always an answer.
 God blessed mothers with motherhood which is better than fame.
 Praising, thanking the Lord Jesus in prayer and worship makes you strong and healthy.
 What is there to complain about if you have the Lord Jesus in your life?
 Laughter in the Lord is good medicine.
 Christians don’t retire they refire.
 Experience is the best teacher.
 Nobody can steal your sheep if you feeding them.
 A church that stays in agreement is a church that has tremendous power.
 Do not do the devil walk but rather do the Love walk.
 Your heart must run up to the mountain of the Lord and stand in His presence of His holiness.
 When your vehicle tyre wears of your vehicle won’t perform its very best. Christians must thank God for the supercharged gospel shoes that’s readily available that never ever wears of.
 Do what is right and thank God. Thanking God is your driver’s license to eternal blessings.
 Our Lord Jesus took three nails plus one cross for us to be forgiven. 3+1=4 given.
 A bird cannot fly with one wing. You need to pray and read the Word of God for you to fly.
 Time and tide waits for no man but God in His mercy and grace is patient with you to come to Him in repentance.
 Time is opportunity and it is the very essence of life. Don’t waste time.
 Conquer your dreams but don’t let your dreams conquer you.
 Only dreamers have dreams that come true.
 The greatest disability of all is not really being disabled. It is actually your mind that is disabled.
 Look past the appearance and join God in looking in the hearts of men and woman.
 Don’t allow your past to determine your future.
 God is God of love and light.
 God does not call you by number. He calls you by name.
 Jesus as the power to love a beggar. Children of God contain that very same power.
 Turn to the board room in the upper room.


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At 8:20pm on August 23, 2010, David Velasquez said…

Welcome to our Community in Christ,

I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.

This group will make you laugh -

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and this one focuses on Godly relationships.

Be blessed and a blessing
At 2:14pm on August 8, 2010, Amenamen said…
Coloss 1:15

And HE (Jesus Christ) IS The Image of The invisible GOD,

the First-born of ALL creation

The Good News

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