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Neil Robinson
  • 75, Male
  • Clearwater BC
  • Canada
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Previously a Carpenter Builder, more recently tourism running a Lodge in Zambia
I'm here to...
Find help to face the future and share other peoples thoughts, and gain a greater understanding of God
Sailing , reading and flying including model planes and boats. I like skiing and walking and generally anything in touch with nature and wild animals. Oh and not to forget cooking!
I'm passionate about...
My story with God
I have always prayed to Jesus since I was a little boy living in England, and have tried to bring up my own two boys to believe in Jesus.
Other stuff about me:
I'm 59 yrs old .Life has been very difficult for about two years now, and after living in England we moved to Zambia to work about 3 years ago. The experience devasted my life and I fell into deep deprression We have recently moved to Canada hoping for a better future for my wife and two sons 24 and 19 yrs old. Sadly my depression is getting much worse and I feel totally lost . I pray to Jesus for help and read books by such people as White Eagle's 'Quiet Mind' and the begining of a 'Spiritual life' . They reflect Jesus's thinking and are a great comfort. I long for the day when I can be at peace with world again.

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At 12:15pm on December 24, 2009, The pilgrim said…
At 3:26pm on May 24, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Neal. The mood stabilizer I am on is called Zyprexa. Hope this helps?? You can also go to God Bless YOU!
At 12:38pm on May 14, 2009, Debbie said…
Hello Neil,
I just got your comment...if you ever need anything just ask!! You have come to a very good place with kind and compassionate people.
We go through the storms of life...but thankfully God has a plan!
Even Job said Job 9:21-" Although I am blameless, I have no concern for myself; I despise my own life." God was working out something even BETTER for Job, than his life before. Patience is difficult at times....but necessary. We do our part and God will do his are here for a reason.
At 5:32am on May 11, 2009, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…
HI Neil
Yes, it is true... people are very much alike in many ways. I have met "soul mates" (platonic but yet I love them)... and we think alike and enjoy exchanging thoughts.

South Africa is a great place but politically we also have the most awful corruption... You probably read the newspapers or look at news on the TV... We have to trust in God and contend with the corruption. The whites are paying taxes and our electricity and everything else is "loaded"... But IN GOD WE TRUST!!!

We attend (hubby and I) a wonderful churc (Methodist) and our pastor is awesome! But we realize that GOD IS SUPREME AND AWESOME!

A lot of people are becoming depressed in our country but we are His children and God will take care of us! I THINK OF THAT LOVELY HYMN : BE NO DISMAYED WHAT E'ER BETIDE... GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU.

If you suffer from depression you have contacted the right person. I lived with the most precious child of God for almost 40 years and he was a devout Christ Follower... So it is not the devil or disbelief in God that causes depression. I become so weary when people say " It is Satan",,, It is more deeply rooted than we can imagine. Sensitive and highly intelligent people more than often suffer from depression. I personally believe that the thorn in Paul's flesh was DEPRESSION... Now, do not ask me why... I just think so. My late husband was a professor at a University and he was highly intelligent.,, Please know that I will be praying for you as I have another friend (very devout and also highly intelligent) who is suffering from this affliction.

My late husband contracted pancreatic cancer and he suffered excrutiating pain... It just broke my heart to see him. AND HIS DYING TESTIMONY BROUGHT QUITE A FEW PEOPLE TO THE LORD. I am giving you my personal; email address and you are more than welcome to contact me:

God bless you and your loved ones - and remember - I am praying for you NEIL.....



Your Friend
Ramona P.
At 4:59am on May 10, 2009, The Shearer. said…
Hello there Neil, you're not alone in thinking there's so much more to learn,i guess the journey of learning never stops in this lifetime,and the best thing about learning as a christian is that the more you know the more you grow,where living in the worldly system of things ,sadly it seems the more you learn the less you know, Gods speed.
At 11:29pm on May 6, 2009, john sentury said…
COMMUNICATION WITH GOD ................................................. For a believer,communication is speaking the words of the holy spirit,hearing with our ears and in our spirit and allowing our mind to process its renewal.surprisingly,we may think that communication is sending information to a receiver.but godly communication for us means to receive from the holy spirit information which will renew our minds so as to transfrom our lives (romans12;2).thank you.God bless you.Nepal's harvest for jesus john.
At 6:04pm on May 3, 2009, The Shearer. said…
Hiiiiiiiii Neil,so good to be friends ,I cannot think of any better place ,whilst on the computer to be than this site here, especially when you are feeling down.You will feel the love that is stored up here and it is never long before yor spirits are lifted,Gods speed for now ,your new brother in Christ, Andrew.
At 9:03am on May 3, 2009, Heather said…
Hi Neil... I am glad to add you as my friend. you are a treasure to God. Keep your face before Him. H.
At 8:57am on May 3, 2009, The pilgrim said…
Hello Neil, thank you for the add i'm happy to have u as a friend ....... and hope to know u more or to know each other more.
May the Lord bless you more and more.
Remain blessed.
With His Love ur sis.

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