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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  • 47, Female
  • Fiji
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Fiji Island
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Catching up with friends, listening to gospel music, surfing the allboutgod net and just praising......
I'm passionate about...
My family; hubby and kids, and getting closer to God and get to know him better...
My story with God
GOD is someone who is so powerful, a providing GOD, a GOD full of patience, understanding and forgiving and he is just an awesome GOD, yeah.......

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At 1:55pm on February 18, 2010, Joshua Anyaoha said…
Hello my friend in Christ this is your Brother and Evangelist Joshua requesting you to come and be apart of the Premier Christian Fellowship see our site below to know more about us.
At 9:54am on January 13, 2010, Yoel charan said…

Christian Glitter by

'And i said ,Oh that i had wings like a dove for then i would flyaway and be at rest. Psalm 55:6,7
yours friend Yoel charan
At 11:07am on November 7, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 4:03pm on August 10, 2008, Brenda Charles said…
Hi Laisa,This is day the lord has made let us rejoice in it and be glad.thanks to u my dear sister in christ,for having me as your friend, how the baby going,blessing to u all, bye.
At 12:25pm on July 31, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 10:54am on July 11, 2008, Yoel charan said…
Christian Myspace Comments

At 2:32pm on April 12, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hello Laisa!!
How are you?? I miss you!! Did I scare you off or what?
I havent heard from you and didnt know what to think. Im a real insecure person sometimes, so to be honest, my wee little brain is going crazy thinking all kind of thoughts as to what happened to you. I know that I got kind of busy, so Im sorry if you tried to get me. My bad. Im sorry, I hope you can forgive me. I really cherish our friendship. so let me know how you are!!
At 2:22pm on March 30, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hey Girl!!! I was thinking about you. You were heave on my heart.... Is there something goin on? Im no prophetess, but I kind get a feeling. I was doing better until today. My family arent saved, and they just really hurt me and dont even know it. My mom, is soo in to herself that its sad. I know that she has got holes in her heart that need to be filled, but she doesnt know that, or, she wont admit that... I dont know,. Its just soo hard when u r trying to cahnge your life but those you care about dont. You know what Im saying? I hope. Otherwise Im just rambling. Sorry. I tend to rumble.
So how was church? Id still like to go and check Figi out. Send me a ticket ok? So, what does your church do on Sunday? and how do you worship? I like my new church and I know God wants me there which is even better. Well anyway, I just thought about you. I thank you for YOU and all your help regarding children. I love you!!!
At 7:58pm on March 26, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Laisa!!
God Bless you today!! How are you and the family? You know, Im reading a good book called "A mom after Gods own Heart" by Elizabeth George. Its an incredible book. You should get you a copy!! I think itll help you too! Another good one is "The Fathers Embrace" by Jack Frost. This book deals with the pain our parents put us through and how our father God can replace any parent. I didnt have a father really, so this book helps me to know how much Im loved by Father God so I can be the woman and parent God wants me to be. If I had another copy, Id send it to you, but I dont.
Anyway, I have been thinking of you and hoping all is well. My son is still acting out, but I do see some improvment. Im trying with all my might to be positive and patient. ITS HARD!!! Well my dear, have a good day and God Bless you!!

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