Hi Eklou, Be blessed dear brother in the name of Jesus. I am just a voice of encouragement going out into the world to strengthen other Christians. I am so impressed by the way god is touching people in your country and all Africa.
I just want you to know that God has a special plan for you to fulfil.
Do not under estimate the power of the gospel, or the might power of the Holy Spirit in your life.
God's word is like a sword, and when used with the strength and guidance of Holy Spirit, the lies that the enemy can be destroyed in peoples live.
Today dare to believe God for great things, God can use you to touch your part of the world. You are there because God planned it before the creation of the world.
Father God touch Eklou today with your mighty power, Holy Spirit pour God's love into his heart. Empower him with wisdom and grace, give him victory in every part of his life, body, soul, and spirit.
Greetings in the Lord! This is Bob, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!
Unlike some other social networks, we prohibit advertising, doing business, asking for money, goods, or personal information or sending spam. Please do not do these things or you may be banned from this network and we certainly would not want that to happen! For more information, please read our Membership Agreement.
I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.
Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.
Thanks and amen.I am happy to know that you are there.just there as a valued friend.It is amazing how God brings his people together to fellowship and encourage each other.You are wonderful son and a friend and i value you,.Tell me about yourself and your country.God bless you.
Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.
May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
Blessings Nienie
hello, here's a joke to welcome you at AAG! God bless you today and always. by the way how did you get to know this christian site?
A well-worn one-dollar bill and a similarly distressed twenty-dollar bill arrived at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The twenty-dollar bill reminisced about its travels all over the country.
"I've had a pretty good life," the twenty-dollar bill proclaimed. "Why I've been to Las Vegas and Atlantic City , the finest restaurants in New York , performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Caribbean "
"Wow!" said the one-dollar bill. "You've really had an exciting life!"
"So tell me," says the twenty-dollar bill, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?"
The one dollar bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church , the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church."
The twenty-dollar bill interrupts, "What's a church?"
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Hi Eklou, Be blessed dear brother in the name of Jesus. I am just a voice of encouragement going out into the world to strengthen other Christians. I am so impressed by the way god is touching people in your country and all Africa.I just want you to know that God has a special plan for you to fulfil.
Do not under estimate the power of the gospel, or the might power of the Holy Spirit in your life.
God's word is like a sword, and when used with the strength and guidance of Holy Spirit, the lies that the enemy can be destroyed in peoples live.
Today dare to believe God for great things, God can use you to touch your part of the world. You are there because God planned it before the creation of the world.
Father God touch Eklou today with your mighty power, Holy Spirit pour God's love into his heart. Empower him with wisdom and grace, give him victory in every part of his life, body, soul, and spirit.
I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen
In the love of Jesus
Greetings in the Lord! This is Bob, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!
Unlike some other social networks, we prohibit advertising, doing business, asking for money, goods, or personal information or sending spam. Please do not do these things or you may be banned from this network and we certainly would not want that to happen! For more information, please read our Membership Agreement.
I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.
Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.
In the love of Jesus
Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.
May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
Blessings Nienie
A well-worn one-dollar bill and a similarly distressed twenty-dollar bill arrived at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The twenty-dollar bill reminisced about its travels all over the country.
"I've had a pretty good life," the twenty-dollar bill proclaimed. "Why I've been to Las Vegas and Atlantic City , the finest restaurants in New York , performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Caribbean "
"Wow!" said the one-dollar bill. "You've really had an exciting life!"
"So tell me," says the twenty-dollar bill, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?"
The one dollar bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church , the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church."
The twenty-dollar bill interrupts, "What's a church?"
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