Study to show myself approved!!! Also, I want to live my life in a way that is fitting to Jesus!
Ministry and study
I'm passionate about...
Learning how to love
My story with God
I didn't know God! I had no such relationship with Him! I had been incarcerated and was lying on my bunk thinking to myself that my grandparents where not gonna live much longer, my parents weren't happy with me at all and my kids might grow up without me. All of a sudden I grew very tired but before I could fall asleep a voice came to me and said " son you cannot have a relationship of this world until you find one with me"!!! Suddenly I was crying crying great big tears of joy! An officer walked by and asked if I was ok and I said, yeah, better than ever! People say it was just my subconscious but I wouldn't have referred to myself as son and I had no knowledge of Mathew 6:33. Seek ye the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you! No, I didn't know any scripture so the voice was none other than the Holy Spirit! I seeked and yes my life took a turn for the better. He brought everything together. But, as of late I've fallen short of God's glory and can feel myself losing touch and want to get back to seeking my relationship with Him!!!
Other stuff about me:
I have found a great women to share my life with and want God to bless our lives.
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