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Adam Sutton
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Adam Sutton's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
England UK
I'm here to...
Discuss Jesus and general whateverness hehe
JESUS, Music, Sports (Rugby), Dancing, Literature; Writing & Reading Poetry Stories Novels Tales of Experience, Church activities in general, Street Pastors!! woot! hehe, Musicals, Plays, Movies - Action, Fantasy, Religious Action (as they tend to be theologically stimulating though not always accurate), Singing, Playing Cornet (squished trumpet)
I'm passionate about...
Jesus!... Obviously hehe He's the man. I am part of an organisation call Street Pastors, we walk the streets and look after people on a friday and saturday.
I love Music, I play the Cornet, have done since I was 7, I sing in many way, Contemporary I prefer, though I really enjoy proper singing too, I'm a tenor.
I Love Acting and Musicals -Phantom of the Opera is my favourite! Though Les Mis comes a close second.
And I love literature. Reading mostly, thoguh I do write short stories and poetry.
Those are my main ones.
My story with God
Raised in a Christian family I was brought up with knowledge of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Bible Stories, I was Salvation army so I was taught how to play instruments and sing.
But I never truly knew the big three untill I was 14. I went to a Christian Camp called Summer Harvest. And there I was worshipping with everyone and a man named Phil Glover, who was leading the Worship, said God was speaking to him. That a Young lad is sitting with a friend from school and wants to give his life to God, and to come to the front. I didn't go to the front, but I sat and wept for about an hour, or at least it felt like it. I gave my heart to Jesus that night.
Alas at around 16 I fell by the way-side for a long time. I stopped going to church, got addicted to Pornography (as so many young men do), and just got rid of all the things I enjoyed.
Couple years ago I was walking by my old church - for no reason I could work out hehe (God) - and God turned me into the church, which had an event on at the time so I stayed and started going back to church. Since that I was contacted about a thing called Street Pastors, which is going out onto the streets when the revellers are out and looking after them. This got my attention as it's something I had a desire for when I was younger, I was also used to listening to others problems and counselling them. So I checked it out.
I was interviewed and selected to be in the first group of street pastors in Newcaslte. I've been doing that since october 2008. Soon we'll be hitting the 2 year mark. At the begining of this year I started going to a new Church called Calvary Church, now called The House. and things are going great, there are people I get along with and am able to have great conversations about God and the Bible. I am going to be baptised soon as it is something God has been prompting me to do for a few months. That's going to be awesome :). ... That's about me up to date right now. hehe.
Other stuff about me:
Not too much else to say really. I'm kind and nice to people. Like to think of myself as thoughtful. Hard to describe yourself and be modest at the same time. I can be like a bull in a china shop sometimes, so i'll do it here.
I'm sweet and caring, hyper and tend to run off onto a tangent in conversation, I'll call you on bad behaviour and I know when people have hidden agendas and I bring those out into the open too. I don't like secrets.
Having said that I can be diplomatic, when something shouldn't be said I won't say it haha.
Not sure what else to say really.... So i'll leave it there haha.

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At 11:46am on July 23, 2010, journeyman said…
Greetings in the Lord! My name is journeymanhd, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!
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Once again, thanks for joining The NET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.
At 6:08pm on July 22, 2010, Amenamen gave Adam Sutton a gift

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