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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My neighbors at 6.5 miles away; the have 5 boys and 6 girls, 2-21 and one on the way; fertile like the land itself.

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Comment by Ricprimus on May 22, 2013 at 10:37pm

For some odd reason I have also the last 2 and a half years been on the list of outsiders suggested for the time of "Rumspringa" ("running around"). Rumspringa is a period of adolescense(14-16) in the Amish community during which a youth temporarily leaves the community to experience life in the outside world. During this period they may wear non-traditional clothing and hair styles, drive vehicles other than horse-drawn ones, to date freely, not attend church and drink alcohol. This is done to ensure that their commitment to their way of life is by choice and not simply tradition. After this "tasting the world" they are given the choice to leave the community or be baptised and receive full adult membership including the right to marry within their faith. I've had several dozen stay here at the cabin: Annea was especially popular with the young ladies since she was about as far as one could get from their lifestyle.

Comment by Ricprimus on April 13, 2013 at 12:17pm

Early going in January 2010 when I started working on the homestead, when we passed we traded simple nods; about mid-April Joseph and 2 eldest boys pulled into the driveway where I was burning brush and sawing fallen logs to split into lumber and we chatted a bit: helped a bit that I was familiar with German (although they use a Swiss/German dialect). Had a coffeepot going on a small campfire so we sat and talked a bit, mostly they were interested in my plans for the woods and homestead which they approved of along with the fact that I was basically a good German Lutheran. Easter the entire family stopped by and introductions were made, the woman had brought a big basket of fresh eggs, homemade butter and fresh baked goods. (I was living in a tent up the drive 5 days a week and small apartment in local small town so I enjoyed the basket greatly). Invited to visit their homestead once crops were in end of May since they knew I was into learning pre-industrial methods of blacksmithing & woodworking among other things. A week later while they were plowing, they saw the 5 semi flatbed trucks with the stacked cabin parts pass their farm and turn down the dead end county road where my woods was, and they (the men) stopped their work and came down and offered to help unload which was highly appreciated. After getting the logs and pallets of doors, windows, etc. unloaded we all had coffee and took a good look at everything as I inventoried the huge shipment. The Amish make their own lumber, nails and build their homes and barns as a community effort - they thought it was very interesting to have an entire home all nicely bundled up with assembly instructions. Yoders offered to help in construction but very much understood (and approved) when I told them "it was something I had to do by myself". Over the six months it took to build they'd stop by and visit and see how the building was going. And every week, there would be a new basket of goodies from the women. Although their art is simple since they strive to be "plain" they are masters at crafts with minimum or homemade tools: Christmas I dropped off a pen & ink illuminated calligraphy work of the Lord's Prayer as a gift which they thought was splendid and hung in their main room. We had a slight parting of the ways in January 2011 when Annea (art grad student from OU) took up spending her weekends at the cabin (Yoder's would not come into the cabin or speak to her), but Annea being German herself (from Stuttgart on a student visa) slowly won them over asking about buttermaking, linen making, etc. until by summer they has invited her over to stay a weekend at their farm and get a taste of living The Old Ways.  The day Annea left to go back to Stuttgart after graduating in mid 2012 they all showed up to wish her goodbye.  I have been very blessed with having the Yoders as neighbors; I will miss them greatly in 2014 when I sell the homestead and begin the next phase of my life.

Comment by Tammy on April 12, 2013 at 10:49am

I'm surprised they allowed u to take their picture

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