We thanks our Lord and last year 2012 serve us for our Peoples and thanks for friend who's praying for us Praise God Hallelujah!! we organize some program for our Christian families 31-12-2012 to understand them through these little drama's story, our main concept to show the peoples about the Drugs, those boys who use the drugs and understand this we are doing a great job but our message to all parents please care your children and don't fall them in this. our first drama actors shows they trying to lift the dumble first three actors are normal person and they don't uplift this but the forth and last person who takes drugs he came and ask to person what you give me if i lift this dumble a man ask him you can't do this but he ask him i can uplift it then man ask him if you lift it i give you money for drugs he tried and at least he got success to uplift it, and in second drama actors also are addict drugs and ask to man for money the man give them money and ask them distribute this money equally each other when when they sit down and distribute the Money they have low money for buy drugs then they plan to theft some things for get more money for buy the drugs. our message to all Mankind Please stop and care our Children because they are our future. please make a Prayer Chain for this. May God bless you
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