All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

jesus lord of all

Good Morning
By Jamie Wright

A man drives to work at 6:30 a.m. as he has for 8 years. He punches in his time-card and is soon confronted by his supervisor. John is berated and humiliated as he has been repeatedly over the years over minor things. This time he quits---STORMS

A strong thunderstorm sweeps through the area and destroys a farmers crops and barns. He is already deep in debt---STORMS

A widow faces an empty house and bed for the first time in 40 years---STORMS

Parents sit on the couch. It is 3:00 a.m. Their sixteen year old son has not come home. They fear he has been drinking. As they wait, Dad has another beer----STORMS

We all face storms. Some are physical-- i.e., tornadoes, floods, earthquakes. Some are personal--- i.e., death, job problems, soured friendships. Storms are a part of life. The right question is not whether they will come, or when , but how we will respond to them. Paul faced a life-threatening storm. He was on his way to Rome to see Caesar, to stand trial. For 14 days the ship was in a raging sea. But Paul never panicked. As the crew panicked, Paul stood and shared the anchors that held his life secure.

These brave sailors were in a storm that seemed to be overwhelming. In an effort to save the ship and their lives, they cast four anchors into the sea. Sadly, these anchors proved ineffective against the storm and the ship was ultimately lost. However, on board that ship was a man named Paul. He was a special man for several reasons: 1. He was a child of God; 2. He was a man on a mission; 3. He was a man of faith; and 4. He was in fellowship with God. Because of who he was Paul was anchored in the midst of that storm, even though the ship wasn’t! Those sailors threw four anchors into the sea in an attempt to steady that ship. Those anchors failed. Paul had four anchors as well, these anchors steadied him during the storm. Even though that ship was shaken and battered, Paul was able to make it because he had STRONG ANCHORS. TOO many people have weak ANCHORS. GOD HAS STRONG ANCHORS!

"This confidence is like a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain of heaven into God’s inner sanctuary . . . Hebrews 6:19

wishing you a blessed day

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