


Profile Information:

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Homemaker for now; seeking new employment.
I'm here to...
serve the Lord, Jesus Christ in what ever area he wants me to.
Hiking, biking, love dancing, singing, going to musicals, baking a lot as well a love entertaining my friends making nice dinners, gardening etc. etc. etc.!
I'm passionate about...
hopefully being financially set some day soon; so that I am able to help people in need in my own Niagara region in Canada/province of Ontario: as well as all over the world someday: Orphans, the elderly, widows, widowers, as well as single mothers. God's will be done.
My story with God
is way too long to share all of it, being saved for over 30 years now. Therefore, I will try to share what I feel is most important in short.
Well, to begin with, I always believed in Jesus from a little girl as my Savior but did not realize that I was to have made Him the Lord of my life until I was 27 years old. So I did accept Him as Savior and Lord at that young age, so I thought, ... - however, as time passed by ( a couple of years) I was made to understand that if we are not getting full of the word of God that we are doing " worldly " things not in agreement with the will of the father,who said, " My people perish because of lack of knowledge!"
The Lord desires that we be pleasing in His sight in accordance to His gospel. I was never a party person mind you, but was a lukewarm Christian never the less, in other areas of my life. "Better to be hot or cold, then to be lukewarm." it is written, as Jesus will spit the lukewarm out of His mouth. Whew! I was never so thankful when I read all about the Holy Spirit more, who Jesus sent to us as our teacher as we read the bible,( Basic instruction before leaving earth) who is our comforter in times of sorrow and distress, as well as fills us with His power in order to run the good race toward the goal and the prize that is set ahead of us. I finally knew that I had to run the race in accordance to God's plan: by His power and might, not of myself with worldly opinions and actions, but to run the race in spirit and in truth, full of God's wisdom and knowledge and truth and Spirit filled. " Not by power. Not by might but by My spirit." said the Lord.
What a difference He's made in my life since way back when I was thirty one to have made Jesus the Lord of my life : King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Lord of all!
Other stuff about me:
I am a soloist, song writer, poet as well as write stories to inspire both young and old. I do not like gossips nor prideful people who think they are better then others; and therefore I stay away from those who cause heartbreak and strife in the lives of people. I have wonderful friends who have been in my life 30 years and we have never so much as had an argument because we fallow the scripture faithfully : " Come let us reason together." where we speak sincerely the word of God, asking ourselves first, " What would Jesus say or do?" as love covers all, mercy is given, words of edification one to another, honor where honor is due, helping one another when in deep valleys, lifting one up when down, as the three cord ministry should be. Love, peace and joy comes from friendships such as these, giving unconditional love to each-other; which is the best gift anyone can receive as Christ first loved us; when on the cross< pure liquid love >flowed in the blood He shed , covering a multitude of sin.

I love to laugh and joke around as laughter is good medicine for the soul which I have witnessed time and time again; therefore I am serious when it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, but also have a very humorous side to me. My nick names, as called by hundreds of co-workers at my ex- work place by both young and old, were: Linda Love or Lucy<(she was a famous comedian from the United States of America, well known throughout the world) " Hey Lucy!" I'd hear, " You made me laugh so hard that my stomach is sore!" < Hum?> I should have laid hands on those co-workers and prayed for a healing to take away the pain in those stomachs! Too late now, as that place of employment left the country:400+ people out of work; so pray that the Lord opens a new door for me as I live on my own and sure do need to be self-supportive.
I have a #1 and only grandson>Braeden, who just turned 8 on Dec, the 16th/2008, that I adore and thank the Lord for as he and I dance, sing, play with toys, play on the computer, bake, cook, bike ride, do crafts and laugh so much together; that the love I have for him is so overwhelming that I feel like I could burst! I only ever had one child:Heather who will be 35 on May the second that I thank the Lord for too of course!
So much for all of this "other stuff " about me, until a new chapter is added to my book of life: but the best book of all is where I have a new name written down in glory, in God's book of life! Amen!

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  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>