Scott Mantooth

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unemployed for two years
I'm here to...
find answers...
photography, writing, many forms of art
I'm passionate about...
many things
My story with God
complicated at the moment...dealing with a lot of issues...
some things I'm reluctant to let go of... other things just won't go away
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additional info will be given as needed

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  • kaya

    dear scott, thanks for your words, I see that  most of all God sees your efforts your never giving up & he will pull through for you keep asking/ doing what you are & i believe jesus is moving in the spirit relm on your behalf he loves you! keep seeking asking about the jobs even if they may pay little for now, every thing helps. i will keep you in my prayers  &expecting greater things to come up for you & your life w/ jesus! keep your head looking upward towards heavenly things pray & do not give up even when its not so easy to do so. read psalm 121:2 & stand on his promises  no matter what it may look like for the moment you r not your circumstances you are a child of God things around you change & w/ that your hope & trust is in jesus!!talk to u soon!!
  • kaya

    Dear Scott, hi if you need to talk feel free, I just want you to keep your trust in jesus not trust of yourself thats where we can stop what God wants to do it takes all your effort to want him to be your guide I do hear you On the part when the self the flesh  wants to it his/ her own way but when that is allowed we hinder what jesus/God has its all a process  to change our desires for jesus desires Its a war against our flesh daily even moment by moment thats why we need to pray even in your mind pray to him talk & walk like hes your friend u desire to know the holy spirit is there to guide u warn you tell u what to do  thats only correct for your life in Jesus! so all i want to do is to encourage you i pray that im helping you & im praying 4 u! theres nothing more greater than to know that u know u r hearing Gods voice in orderto maintain that or to get to that point u must obey him because he loves u like a father he wants only the best 4 u!all in time you take steps up ward to heaven not to look back live for jesus he is our helper in time of need even when we can not understand everything! talk 2 u soon God be w/ u& keep u!kaya
  • kaya

    Dear scott,Its good to hear from you, I can understand when you do not have a chance to ck the emails some times i dont get to it so fast but thats acceptable. wow thats a very old book u r talkin about, very nice of u to give it to a special pastor at that, its a blessing to know him & some one close to help u im happy to hear that, & u do have family that u vist theres lots of hope for you!! some times we have to have Jesus help us rid of our baggage from the past get close to him then later on Gosd will give you your hearts desires like a special woman of God seek ye the kingdom of God & his rightousness then all those things will be added on to you so in time you will have everything in Jesus! its all a process alot to face & deal with but its so worth the fight to be right w/ God be in his will & to walk & talk w/ him to have access  to the throne of God & to ask him for his help & he loves you & will do it the way he choses is correct for you& to be protected by him no money in the entire world can pay for God to be in your life & to have peace w/ the father & Jesus his son its all  a spiritual thing the world will not understand unless they surrender to him thaeres so much to thankful for, Scott you will make it keep going foward even w/ the hard places all that is going to help you become a strong man of God in his kingdom the flesh is weak we all r without him & no one is perfect its all by his grace *& love listen you are not forgotten God has his plans for your life!! God is great & worthy of all praise!!love Kaya