
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Taxi Driver
I'm here to...
be a christian
Golf, company, my Job, taking phots for a Christian magazine, bible study, music, and good clean jokes
I'm passionate about...
Becomeing a missionary worker in india since watching a DVD on the deprivation shown to us by Pastor Joseph, the director of word in action outreach Jhon Stipzer, lives by us, so am very keen to have that dinner with he's family when he gets back from a family members trip, would love to trian up ready to go by early march next year.Amen
My story with God
I was a bit of a wild card in the past, and to cut a long very intresting story short, which i hope to share as we move on, I became a christian when i was in jail for the possesion of a fire arm poachers gun, while i was serveing my 4 1/2 month sentance i was given a simple bible compotition to read, and won a good news picture bible, well one day in my cell I called out to God and said ok God who is this Jesus guy I really want to know him!! the most amazeing emotions came over me indiscribable ,but ile give it a go it was like the lights comeing on in a dark room and there was all this tresure i never seen before or new was there!. I wept like a baby and cryed out, I'M Born Again!! my cell mate thought i was mad, i suppose i was from that moment i was mad for Jesus!!
Other stuff about me:
It's been a long hard walk as i haven't been the so called model Christian, but like the late Selwyn Hughes the Great Welsh revivalist, said' that Jesus the carpenter, can see with double vision, he can see something of beauty in that dirty twisted piece of old drift wood, then he goes to work shaveing, plaining, sawing and rubbing down all those ruff edges untill we are usefull in the body of Christ,it hurts, but God loves us to much to letus stay as we are, he said a lady came up to him one day and said, Selwyn' I sometimes wish i'de never been made. to which he replyed, my dear you haven't yet been made you are still under construction! love in Jesus to you all be blessed and keep up this wonderful online ministry..Paul

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  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • Moomins

    Paul your pics are fab, you are doing amazing work in the name of our are things with you....Moomins...x
  • Moomins

    He sure is AMAZING !! ..  So are you, what an amazing living testimony you are ... I can't keep the smile from my face .. How good our God is ... Will keep you in prayer ... stay strong in Him... love and blessings ...  Moomins ... x