
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
I'm here to...
learn to disciple, teach, serve and share
King James Version only--reading, bible study with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, playing cards--Texas Hold'em. outdoors anything from gardening, to digging holes to hiking, fishing and just admiring; especially enjoy the beach.
I'm passionate about...
God's word, his teachings, sharing with others talking about God. Warning un believers about Hell . Helping others financially when they need it. Edifying others in God's truth and love.
My story with God
I was raised Catholic till I was 16 and confirmed. I knew about God, traditions and Mary. I was raised by a divorced Roman Catholic Mother. My earthly father never there and 5 siblings. At 16, I rebelled, went my own way, in the world.

At 25, what started off a suicide letter turned out to be a letter addressing God and asking for his help. I was filled with a quench for the bible, read it and realized the religious lies I was taught. I began looking for a church to attend. The ones I found, asked for money, told me I had to speak in toungues or couldnt be saved, or people fell on the floor and were all over the place. I gave up and went back into the world.

At 31, I cried out to God, to show me who he was, so I could get to know him. I was miserable, a workaholic and never knew an earthly father, so I did not know how to reach him. I was directed to a bible study about the many names of God and getting to know him. Two scriptures repeated in my mind: Knock and the door will be opened, seek and you will find and You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

I asked for help to find a church. I had a dream, my Aunt threw a blanket on me. I called her. She told me she was always covering me in prayer and gave me advice to find a bible believing church and one that believd in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I found a Four Square Gospel Church, heard the sermon about the prodical son returning to his father and coming home. Something or someone unseen lifted me up from the pew and I found myself being brought to my feet. I cried in mourning and knew God Loved me and wanted me all along. His truth found me and I grasped it firmly. I beleived in Jesus Christ as my savoir, repented of my sins and was born-again, was baptized and noone could tear the bible from me.

Soon, life's burdens overwhelmed me. I was working two jobs and as a single mother with two teenage children who wore me out, I was coming apart at the seams. I was rear ended in a car accident, had excruciating pain on a daily basis from my right shoulder, neck and arm. Like I said, Life hit me from all angles. Instead of turning to God I turned to myself, and found yet a third job to pay for everything. I lacked sleep, did not eat right and was overwhelmed by the accuser and isolated myself from all, including Jesus. I left him, he never left me.

Eight years later, very lonely and tired of doing life myself, I met a man and married him within a month, because I knew I could not return to my old self, my past and have sexual relations without being married. He said he was a Christian, and baptized, but I found out, by his fruit he was not born again. Eight years have gone by, with no church, no bible and no fellowship, just wordly things and I was discusted, miserable and lonely. I missed God so much.

A whole house filled with people who were mostly in the world would be over, partying and I would find myself standing for isolated moments in my hallway secretly crying to God, and begging him to come get me, to not let me go and help me.

Three months ago, my adult son, found his relationship with Jesus and by his testimony rekindled the fire within me and I stepped back onto the narrow path and continued my journey with my Lord and Savoir. My husband is taking baby steps and a little upset that I literaly ran back to God and am firmly on the path that he is not ready to take. So this is where I am at this moment.

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  • felixpadua

    hello, hello
  • felixpadua

    i took this from someone's page. i am sharing it with you.
    Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they? Matt. 6:26
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>