GraHam Spooner

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Property Investment Sales
I'm here to...
Help prepare sons and daughters with Power to survive and to bring Jesus back soon.
Studying the words of God in particular 'Listening to Jesus'
and putting His words into practice.
Practicing doing all the things Jesus did - multiplying food, walking on water, healing the sick, translating, raising the dead, walking through the crowd that wanted to kill Him - and the greater things.
Desiring power of and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I'm passionate about...
God the Farther God the Son - Jesus and God the Holy Spirit.
Being alive to welcome Jesus back, so He can put an end to all the misery and suffering that we humans put on one another and the world.
My story with God
My testimony ‘How I found Jesus’ - When I was 26yrs of age I was happily married with two beautiful children, (the third yet to come) but something was missing in my life. Somehow I knew that it was God, for two years I searched for Him. I went into a lot of churches, some even said I had to join or I wouldn’t be saved, I thought – that couldn’t be right what about everyone else? Other churches I went into it was like Jesus had been there but was no longer there. One I went into I I felt ill and I ran out of it.
Obviously I didn’t get to go into a church where the Lord wanted me to find Jesus but God has a plan for each of us.
I was invited to a non denominational Christian breakfast (FGBMFI) – and there I heard some amazing testimonies of what Jesus had done for these men. Then we prayed and a man asked if there was anyone present who would like to give their life to Jesus. He said that it’s not about joining anything or becoming anything, but about a direct relationship with Jesus, with nothing or no one in between just you and Him! I thought “Wow that is just so good” My hand shot up so fast that I thought my hand would come off my arm I repented of my sins, was ‘saved,’ and baptised with the Holy Spirit I had truly found God at last!
To me that was complete freedom, that day I knew who I was, where I came from, and where I was going, so good!
And it has been just like that since that April day in 1974. It’s all about Jesus, no matter where I go or which church I visit, Jesus is number one. I have come to know the Holy Spirit and Jesus much better by ‘Listening to Him’ (I have done this in a prescribed way) and to know Him is to love Him. To really know Him is to really love Him.
Other stuff about me:
In 1980 Jesus raised my daughter back from dead after a horrific horse accident (through an FGBMFI man and his wife)
In many car incidents and accidents the Lord miraculously saved me from any harm.
I was an active member of Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship International from 1974 until about 1986 I then let our business consume me (seed amongst the thorns)
After 21 years the business failed - 'I hit the wall' after 'hitting the wall' another 3 times I finally surrendered unconditionally to the Lord.
In 1998 I relocated from Brisbane in Queensland to Sydney New South Wales and I rejoined the FGBMFI at Parramatta chapter in 2000, we serve a breakfast for the homeless every Saturday morning while the gospel is preached.
We have had many give their lives to Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit and have also had many healings take place, - Blind man received his sight back (both eyes) after being blind for 6 years! depression, hearts (physically and spiritually) diabetes, stomaches, backs, demons cast out, families and lives restored, so many miracles, hard to recall them all. Lord forgive me if I sound blase'.
I also attend The Holy Spirits Workshop on Saturday afternoons, (open air in a business car park where we practice controlling the weather).
Many miraculous healings have taken place there too - deaf, blind - 3, split back disc, lame, + + +.
The workshop is very unusual in that all who know the Lord are encouraged to practice the words of Jesus and to lay hands on the sick, speak out the word that the Lord gives them, put into practice, salvations, baptism in the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sin.
Saturdays - for me the best day of the week I love what the Lord does.

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    "Your heart is an extension of God's Love in the world.
    God's love is ever present, though it is through your extension of it
    that God's love is experienced in the world."

    Red Ribbon
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>