
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
South Africa
Sales (Steel)
I'm here to...
I am a part time radio presenter, this is pretty much all I do, aside from work.
I'm passionate about...
My Saviour, My Kids, My Wife
My story with God
I grew up with the notion of God, never really understood Him, or knew how to serve him, you know, belonged to a church, but had no relationship with God. So when I left high-school, I turned from the church, and started slipping into sin [liquor, drugs, sex]. Amazing thing is that when I was young, I asked God to be in control of my life. I never understood the implication of that, and never pursued it, so during my dark ages [as I like to call it] I often felt guilty about that. Little did I know that God was always there. I now know this, because when I look back at my life then, it;s nothing less than a miracle that I'm still alive, and never ended up in jail. During the last quarter of 2006, [there's no exact date or time], I became aware of a longing inside me to find God, call it a yearning if you will to be closer to Him and learn more. It was a spiritual awakening. I went back to the church that I grew up in, but after about the third or fourth Sunday I said to my wife that I'm not going back there, you see, I felt empty and un-fullfilled, I knew there was more to serving God than what they were doing there. The next Sunday I went to a service in a conference venue at a guest house near where I live, and I found people who thaught like me, not a strange sect or anything, just a small group of people, studying the Word of God, no rituals, no outdated traditions. I found leadership, teaching, fellowship and guidance and never looked back. It's been a tough two years of character-building, God had to teach me to trust him, and that was pretty hard. Today He is fully in controll of my life and I love it!
Other stuff about me:
I'm married, we have twin girls [now 4yrs], and a boy [1yr]. That pretty much consumes my whole life.

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  • Mary

    Ag! what can i say I try and be positive most of the time, and I have such a great sence of humour, and I always love to make people laugh, including myself.

    The year did not start well, my boyfriend Brian and I helped my ex-husband Daniel to start a little steel business in Germiston, as my ex- has had a bad few years financially, and out of the goodness of our hearts we helped him financially to start the business up by purchasing all the equipment etc, and we are all partners, and we also wanted to see if we could better our financial status.

    Its a long story, my daughter bianca lives with my ex, but its been on and off, cause when he is out in the dumps then she comes and lives with me he does not pay any money towards her, but then when he is on his feet again she goes back to him, and then he asks me for maintenance money which I have been paying. But find it so unfair that when he has money and bianca is staying with me, he cant even offer me R 200 towards food etc.

    But then when she went back to him now in December after making some money in the business, he said how much am I going to pay him for maintenance.

    I was so upset because of the way he asked me that I said I am not paying a cent, he could have asked to come and see me and brian as we put our money together, to discuss the matter and he just demands and demands, he does not have the decency to ask nicely and say to us sorry that he did not pay anything while she was staying with us.

    So then he said he wants to terminate the business, he put new locks on the doors so we cant get in, and says we must get a lawyer.

    We have said to him we can discuss this in a sivilised manner, and he just is not responding, he thinks now that he has made a bit of money he has all the power in the world. he is actually a very aggressive person.

    We have helped him so much, when bianca was living with him we bought them blankets for winter cause they never had enough, we did not ask for the money, we bought them groceries although he was working for Pick 'n Pay we stll bought groceries, gave him money.

    I ask God every day and I pray for my ex everyday that he will change, and that he will become a better person and see the light, and I dont deserve all the bad things he says about me.

    We have only held out our hands high and helped him.

    I hope you dont mind Carlo that I am talking about this, but Im so upset and dont know what to do.

    Have a good evening

  • Nienie

    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>