
Profile Information:

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I'm here to...
children, movies,and traveling,
I'm passionate about...
god, he is always first in my life then my family and then work
My story with God
god has been walking beside me since I was 12 years old, this last year has been the hardest for me. my husband has left home and came back and now he has left again. i know that god is with me and he is not doing to give me more than i can handle.
Other stuff about me:
I have two little girls that mean the world to me with out them i would be lonely.

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  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Renee,
    Thank you for your message. I think its neat that you can trust me with what is going on in your life. I am not exactly in the same situation, but I feel as if my husband really is gone. Its sad when your married and your living life like a single parent. I myself also have battled depression all of my life. From the time I was 6 to now I have been diagnosed with this disease and that disease. Now I have what people are thinking is a very horrible four letter word, and that is bipolar. Yes, I have it, but Christ has made me alot better than I was. When I wasnt saved, you wouldve looked at me and either ran away or reported me to the police because I looked so terrible. Long story short, I lived which is a miracle by the love and grace of God. I dont go to a therapist anymore because Im finding all the help and encouragement from the Lord and others, but I also believe that it certainly doesnt hurt to give therapy a try. Dont judge till you actually experiance something. Also I strongly advise anti depressants if the sypmtoms of depression get worse,and uncontrollable for the sake of then and the loved ones around them. They are not "happy pills" like some people say. In fact, it takes 3 weeks to fully kick in and you by no means "feel happy". You are more stabilized if anything so that you can handle things a little bit better without jumping into conclusions and taking off and doing something stupid. It helps calm the high highs and keep up the low lows. Your husband probably does love you with all his heart, but he is soo lost and soo full of confusion that he doesnt know which way to go, right or left. This has nothing to do with you I bet. He needs help, yes, but you have the Lord on your side and I know FIRST HAND that the Lord can do miracles for people that would blow your mind. I had to hit bottom and be homeless before I got the clue. Then God took hold of me and had to milk me like a mother milks a child till I was well. Now He is still working in me, and He will continue to work in your husband if he lets God help him. Does any of this make sense? I was a mess and to be honest I did leave my husband and took off which led to my homelessness. I am not afraid to admit what I have done because I am not that way. God has healed me of that so I dont worry. I did take off like your husband, but it took me to hit bottom to realize how great my marriage was. I hope I have helped you. I could go on and on, but Ill stop here. I will look forward to hearing from you later. I love you!! God Bless,
  • Paige Robertson
    Hello sweets,
    So, what did you think of my last message? I hope I didnt offend you or freak you out or anything. I guess I was just trying to help. I am confident that this is just a season. Since he claims that he is saved, then you know that the holy spirit will convict him and lead him back home. or at least give you a call. Even if it takes a few days, or weeks, the spirit will get him. Even when I was soo sick and lost in myself and being awfully sinful, I still had a convivtion deep down that what I was doing was absolutely wrong and that I will suffer the consequences. Honey, I feel for you. In fact my husband will definately understand because I did it to him. He was devaststed and couldnt believe that I would do such a thing. Please know that I am not like that anymore. But I am happy that I did it because otherwise I wouldnt of come to Christ and be able to help others like you! Keep praying,crying out to God with your whole heart. He wants to hear everything you have to say. When you do talk to him, tell him that you will sit and litsten to whatever he has to say and that you agree that you will go to counseling with him, and work on this together. Maybe he needs to hear that. He cant do this alone. He needs you all.
    I am praying for you and know that I love you and that there is a big God with a big heart who knows you and all that is going on. I had a bad day today infact and Im trying to hold on to Him as much as I can. I hope I am helping you. I love you....
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>