

Bakersfield, CA

United States

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I'm here to...
meet people i can trust, talk to, and just basically be friends with. i have friends in life, but here, they all live for the Lord.
i like reading my Bible and actually knowing things from it, playing guitar, listening to music, hanging out with my friends, you know, normal teenager stuff.
I'm passionate about...
learning what God has planned out for me, and just being myself
My story with God
when i was very young, my grandma started taking my brothers and i to church every wednesday and sunday. i went to the kids classes and soon accepted the lord into my heart and accepted Lord as my savior. when i was about 7 i was babitized. we stopped going to church when i was bout 11. i dont really know why. i just fell away for some time. i still loved God as my savior, i just didnt act like i wanted to. we went to church on and off a few years later, and just a little over a month ago, we started going to church every sunday. now i have gone the last 4or 5 sundays in a row. where i am right now is trying to live my life like God wants me to and just growing in faith. i am reading my bible more, praying more, and just trying to do the right thing more often like Jesus would want me to do. so that is where i am right now. i still would love to grow even more and learn learn learn because i just love knowing all about God!!!!!
Other stuff about me:
not much more to say... im 16. as of aug. 24th ill be a junior in high school. thats really all i need to say i guess.

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  • kathleen aldea

    hello,my brother...
    as Jesus said in John 8:31-32:
    "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

    here are some links where i subscribe ... and i do hope it will help you also :



    everyday i received emails from them.. but then.. like the bereans in Acts 17...
    they meditate the Words day and night... as in Joshua 1:8 also...
    ..... when we study the Word of God.. it must be with a prayer first... asking the Holy Spirit to guide us.. and ask Wisdom coming from God and not from man....

    if you want.. you can also enter to a bible school...not all enrolling in a bible school are called to be pastors, missionaries,evangelist, preacher or teachers.... it is to gain knowledge too... but then try to consider also what God uses to elite people---- Peter!!! didn't go in bible school.....
    always have fellowship with God and to brethren in Christ (Heb.10:25)..

    This are some keys to have spiritual growth...

    keep n touch en God bless you...
  • kathleen aldea

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  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>