

Calgary Alberta


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I'm here to...
pray for a Christian sister
I'd have to say cooking, baking and creating recipes for my husband who is diabetic. I have a creative bent to my personality, and enjoy sewing decor for our home. Enjoy quilting, scrap booking, needle work and gardening ( even with my brown thumb) I relax listening to music and reading good literature. The odd fluff book comes along now and then, love and romance kind of thing. Coming of age books are nice too.
I'm passionate about...
First and foremost my passion is my faith in Yeshua, my new relationship with my Savior and Redeemer. Praise and prayer are paramount now.
Being a wife and mother have been both my joy and my challenge .Caring for house and home. It is my passion to create a warm and welcoming place for my family. I'd love to have a home that is a haven of rest for my family.
My story with God
G-d was always near, but it was I who was far away. I remember when I was a child and was taken to church by my mother and step father. I was once told that being in heaven was like being in church. I had decided in my seven year old mind that if heaven was like church then I did not want to go and be with the people I saw around me. It frightened me.
Decades later while wasting time on Face Book I came to read posts by a believer who got my attention. She boldly posted praise, prayer and Bible verses. Her Bible verses caught my attention and would not let me go. I have various Bible translations but her's I could understand, so I sent her a message to ask after her particular version. She messaged me back, along with another verse. It caught my attention how she could so boldly proclaim G-d's word, so that everyone on Face Book could see. I noticed a link to another site, off I went to check it out. Before I knew it I was drawn to Yeshua, to His saving grace and His amazing love. The creator of the whole universe loved me enough to forgive my sins and embrace me! That was about 3 weeks ago. My thought life has changed from the ever present "me" to Yeshua, praise and prayer and a reawakened faith.
Any faith I had, had been so feeble and wobbly that it really was no faith at all. The word that had been planted in me as a child had been plucked away by the cares of the world, by what was happening in my life. I could not get past the chaos that surrounded me and had my life in constant turmoil. I found myself merely trying to survive the day.
What an amazing transformation from then to now. I awoke today to a sunlit morning and my first thought was of praise to Yeshua for creating such a day. I had heard that G-d is not the author of confusion, I now know what that meant., order is coming into my life, now that Yeshua has my mind, soul and spirit. I have a long way to go, but my journey has just begun. Praise to G-d for his incredible mercy. I know now that He loved me as I was, but loved me too much to leave me as I was.
Other stuff about me:
I am married, and have been so for almost 40 years, with grown twin boys and 5 grand daughters. I have been blessed with a golden retriever (Maui) who is so faithful, so gentle and never ceases to amaze me. One evening as I was listening to music and poking (no pun intended lol ) on Face Book, and looked down to see my doggie gazing up at me with such love that I found myself thinking ... man can not create such an animal, putting life into him. I found myself praising G-d for His gift to me. Maui is always by my side. I can now understand how all things in creation point to G-d. Such a small detail but big in that the seed was planted for my need of Yeshua.

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  • Larry

    Red Ribbon
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • Matthew John Woken

    I like angels.