Prophetess June Powell (Boachie)


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
I'm here to...
To Minister and be a Blessing to others
Nice walks on the beach, enjoy swimming
Having an early morning breakfast, lunch or dinner
at a park surrounding by God's creations of beauty.
Motor Cyle Riding, Tennis, Hiking and Excerise
I enjoy Candle Light dinners and cooking
Most of all being a Divine Blessings to others because everything I have belongs to God, it doesn't matter if I owed it or's all his and I don't mind is God that dwells richly within my Heart and Spirit.
I'm passionate about...
I am passionate about people hearts in their walk with God. Life isn't easy at the very begining of our walk because God has given each of us a free will. We become selfish and wanting things our way in life.
And as we begin to walk with God we are no longer of ourselves but of "God" Himself that dwells richly within us that the changes begins. Putting off the old man and becoming a new creation in God the daughter after His own Heart and for sure a true Woman of God that is enlighted by her loving "Father"...
My story with God
My Life with God started when I was 13 years old. My eyes were open and ears were attentive to hear Him when He spoken and yet my heart wasn't mature yet to understand all the feelings that were taken place. As the years came and gone God's manifestation begin to take hold and place in my life. God has given me the gift of seeing and speaking a word to those whom I have come across in my path. When one speaks the truth then he or she walks in the anointing of God's Holy Spirit. Not becoming a sheep in wolves clothing. Keeping real for God knows and sees all things...He is a God that doesn't play the head games of the world nor a God that LIES...So truly it is a Honor and Privilege to be one of His special sheeps one that was lost now found to have receive her salvtion. For there is nothing greater than being in the mighty hands of God no anything that can separate me from Him. I am surrounded by His Glory of Power. In Jesus Name Amen
Other stuff about me:
Well I am here to say that one can not walk with God without humility. Giving your heart and mind totally over to him without a rebellious spirit making excuses and justfiying ones actions on the things they do and don't. I've learned that through my daily walk with God that it is just easier to yield, submit and surrender oneself that one will have the mind of Christ, stability, confidences, gentleness, teaderhearted and compassionated toward others inspite of what one might feel. My walk is not about myself but about God that is in my life that He continues to do a greater work in my life that His light will shine, and knowing that I am embrace with His spirit with every given moment of the day that comes forth as He renews my mercies every morning and gives me grace that I don't deserve. For God is truly Worthy to be Praise, Respected, Honored, and Glorify. In Jesus Name Amen

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  • Murphy L. Henderson Jr.

    God Bless and Keep you in Jesus Name:)
  • Murphy L. Henderson Jr.


  • Pastor L T O Mission

    Prophetess and Pastor

    I know truly that you are a blassed woman of God because it is written that a blessed people know how to give.

     You send me a gift from all your heart, I pray that you will not miss your blessing at all.  because it is written in Matthew 10 v 40 to 42 ' He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.  He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.  And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.'

     I am firstly a liitle ones among the Christ's people and then a righteous man and at least a prophet of God. So greatly your blessing is before Him.

    I will wish know you more.

     Pastor AHOGA  -LTO Mission-