


United States

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I'm here to...
gain more knowledge about Jesus
computer, reading, home improvment
I'm passionate about...
being a good mother, and learning more about Jesus!
My story with God
Well I was sorta raised as a Jehovah Witness. I started questioning some of the things they were teaching, and discovered MANY flaws. So now I want to know the REAL Jesus.

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  • Paige Robertson

    What up??? Wow!!! Where have you been? It is soo cool that you left me a message. YOu have really blessed me by thinking about me. It has been way too long.........how are you????
    So, how are the kids? What is the latest? I cant remember, but are you homeschooling? The more I think about it, the more IM convinced that I should do it. But, Im a little insecure about teaching. Im no rocket scientist, and Im not that stupid(Well, maybe sometimes) but I have a hard time learning. Will this affect my teaching? I have a friend that is going to get me info on it because she does it and it only costs her $20 a year!!
    Oh well, I have been ok. Could be better and could be worse. I did have a rough holiday season and I just wish to God that I hadnt gone through that, but He allowed it. Since I moved out here about a year ago, I have been through alot. I miss my christian sisters and family. Its always soo hard for them to come see me, and IM just 25 minutes away! Oh, I have new friends thanks to God and IM very thankful for that. Now I have hooked up with the womens groups,bible studies and playdates which is a total Godsend! But my heart still lies with my last church and friends. God just wants to grow me and grow me and it hurts!! I didnt see my mom and other family members on Christmas, and I dont mean to sound selfish, but my birthday wasnt even acknowledged. Oh well, Im having a pity party arent I??? Well, a tragedy did happen in July. My closest uncle commited suicide. We were close cuz we suffered with depression and felt the same way about alot of things. I ministered to him, but he never accepted God. Its been hard.
    I start painting at my new church here soon. Maybe then I wont be soo sad. The weather is really dreary and cold here. Lots of snow. How about you??
    Did you have a good Christmas and New Years?? I sure hope you did and I hope you have a great new year!!! I will let you go before you fall asleep of boredom! I love you and my MSN Instant messaging email, is paige_art@hotmail.com if you want to connect that way...ok?
    Good to see you again,sister!!
  • Paige Robertson

    hello again,
    I just thought Id send you this beautiful womens prayer. It really helps me.
    God Bless
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href="http://bit.ly/dg4vGg">http://bit.ly/dg4vGg</a>