
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
full time student/cashier part time
I'm here to...
learn as much as I am able to
I enjoy writing, reading, web surfing for answers to any questions that I may have, I enjoy the company of my friends, I enjoy funny sitcoms (Whose Line is it Any ways and Seinfield are my faveorite), I am hoping to get some softball practice in this summer, as it used to be something I enjoyed when I was younger.....and so much more things I am interested in I'm sure, but when I try to think of them on the spot I am left with wrinkles upon my forehead....
I'm passionate about...
my mother, she is my everything....I am grateful for her, for I am nothing without her....Writing is my one true passion asides from my mother, I have been writing since I was a small child, I am in school now majoring in proffessional writing: journalism/freelance, though my true dream is to become a novelist, Reading is second though sometimes first to my writing, for if it were not for the many books I've read and continued to read I would have never learned to write...Music is what moves me, to tears, to sorrow, whatever the emotion may be I always find it in my music....and GOD above all has my passion, as I am hoping to find him again, and for this I task I have outstanding passion....and Jesus, the son of GOD also...
My story with God
I grew up Catholic, but my mother was never strict about church and Sundays, though she did make sure I said my prayers every night. In my household it was only my mother and I, my father was in and out of jail and most of the time not welcomed to our apartment, and I have no mother has always been my teacher and though she never spoke on a regular basis about God, it is because of her that I know he exist and that Jesus Christ , his son, was sent by him for the slavation of us...she taught me her way that God loves me so, and is always willing to forgive me if I am wiling to ask for his forgiveness. This strategy saw me through many years, but recently (the past 3) I've strayed so far from all my mother has taught me, following the footsteps of father I've fallen into the hands of darkness, I have a problem with a certain drug and I am exhausted trying to battle this problem. I feel so distant from God, and the few times I've turned to him I was able to become clean, for a week or two, but would always slip back to the darkness, and it's because of this I fear I've betrayed him. He offered me help which I accepted greedily, and then in my own way told him it wasn't enough everytime that I went back to the drug of choice. How can he look at me with any love after I've done such horrible things to him? I am here to find help, I yearn for strength to stay under his wing, and to never stray again. I've so many questions and I hope to find an answer.....

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