Love to ride horses since I was a young girl. Spent one summer teaching horsebackriding at girls scout camp.
I have played piano since grade school. Then didn't play for years until eight years ago when I joined a bell choir -- and have started playing again to accompany the bell choir.
I'm passionate about...
I think God approves of the pursuit of truth in all of life. I am passionate about the truth of the Gospel -- and about maintaining the freedom to share it.
I am also passionate about truthful, original, fearless news coverage. I am a passionate and opinionated supporter of citizen journalist James O'Keefe, III, and Christian apologist/movie maker, Dinesh D'Souza. I strongly dislike the Obama administration targeting them for political reasons and misusing the criminal justice system to target them.
I am reading "Stonewalled" the account of FBI spying on Sheryl Attkisson. I am convinced that Obama administration and bureaucrats under him regularly broke the law - for example wiretapping Senator Dennis Kucinich and then denying his FIOA requests.
I believe Attkisson's account demonstrates that Obama representatives lied regularly about the many scandals that happened under their watch -- and then regularly changed their stories as the truth proved they had lied. They used their influence to drown out news stories they didn't like.
I believe panic over "fake news" was Obama Administration effort to try to control and censor American news.
I am passionate about those things.
My story with God
In Junior High I became involved in a christian coffeehouse. I invited a childhood friend who also became a regular. I am thankful that God used that experience to solidify a friendship that has now lasted sixty years. God is good.
I am divorced -- from a Christian who has since remarried. We were in college together at Ohio State University. We should have encouraged each other in our faith -- I won't speak for my ex -- but I did not hold on to Christ as I should.
The Lord never let go of me -- He let me wander -- He let me make mistakes I was determined to make -- but God is good. Even the hardships were designed to bring me back to Him -- for my own good.
He is the Pearl of great price.
Other stuff about me:
I have volunteered with animal rescues. One year a hundred dogs and puppies passed through my home on their way (via Pilots and Paws) to Northern rescues. I have experience trapping stray cats for a TNR (TRAP/NEUTER/RELEASE) program through another rescue.
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Apr 4, 2017
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Apr 5, 2017