
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United Kingdom
I'm here to...
Find out more
Family, social networking, health, finding out more about the Bible +what it means
I'm passionate about...
My story with God
I wax baptised into the Salvation Army as an infant, always attended Church or Chapel as a child. Later I was baptised as a Mormon, later still had Bible Studies with Jehovahs Witnesses . Both left me disallusioned +I no longer follow either.
Other stuff about me:
I'm a 60 year old married grandmother of four, I have nine altogether but am sadly estranged from their mothers my two other daughters. I have the four with my daughter Jordaine, we are very close, sadly she's an atheist.
I don't work due to a broken back injury . I love my family +home but miss having a spiritual connection

Comment Wall:

  • Tammy

    Welcome to AAG