Learn more about having a closer relationship with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and maybe meet some new friends
photography,time with family and friends, visiting state parks,camping,hiking,road trips and more
I'm passionate about...
Learning more about God, getting a closer relationship and walk with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, spending time with my family and friends, my photography, reading and understanding Gods word.
My story with God
I went to church off and on growing up but in 2005 I was saved and baptized. After a while I strayed away from the Lord but not too long ago I went to a play at a near by church that just really opened my eyes and made me realize that I strayed away from Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior I have some where taken the wrong path and I WANTED to get back on track that night I rededicated my life to my Lord and Savior Jesus. I am reading the Bible more and when I dont understand something or just have a question I have a awesome and loving pastor who is more than willing to explain stuff to me or just answer my questions which helps me out alot. I am seeing changes in my self and that just makes me want to strive to continue to change my life. I want nothing more than to have a closer relatiionship with Jesus. He is my Lord and Savior and I love him with all my heart soul and mind. Thinking back to the night I regave my life to Jesus its still just so real and I still to this day tear up or get emotional just thinking or talking about it
Other stuff about me:
I work in a daycare center where I am mainly in the nursery so I get to play and take care of babies most of the time 5 days a week. I have 3 brothers, 1 sister, 1 step sister and 1 step brother.
Njeinwei celestine Ikiaunei
Jun 22, 2011
Joram Joram
Jun 22, 2011
The pilgrim
You are very welcome dear sister Sonjia, it is good to have you with us..... enjoy the fellowship....
Jun 27, 2011