Sarah Burns

32, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
I'm here to...
glorify God and meet others who want to do the same.
I like many things and dislike many things. I hate perverts, that's simple enough. In fact, I eat perverts for breakfast. They don't taste very good. Music is a must for me. I get a joy out of making someone else smile, I truly do. It's an amazing feeling.
I'm passionate about...
using the talents God has given me and sharing His love and mercy with the rest of the world.
My story with God
I came to God when He blessed me with the man in my life who I am now in love with. That man told me about God and not long after meeting him, I was saved. Everything changed for the better since then.
Other stuff about me:
I'm outgoing and crazy if you know me. Shy and a bit quiet for a while if you don't. I love animals like PETA loves animals. And, no... PETA does not stand for - People Eat Tasty Animals. I enjoy traveling, being witty, and pwning at comebacks. It may surprise most, but when I'm feisty... my comebacks are hilarious. I'm not cocky or conceited, I just love who I am. There's nothing wrong with a little self-love. Photography is going to be my career. Period. I've grown a lot over the years. Those that have stuck with me can see the change, which is good! Oh, and by the way... I love God and I'm Christian. I'm not branched off into a denomination of Christianity, just simply Christian. It's easy enough to remember, yeah? Just figure I should throw that bit of, oh I don't know, hugely important information in there. I'm not uptight when it comes to other religions. Be who you want to be. I laugh, and I can sometimes have a goofy laugh. It depends on how funny you are. The sillier my laugh, the better off you probably are holding my attention. I can take jokes, but that doesn't mean I find all of them funny. Sorry. I'm not a slut, whore, or a hooker. And for that one, I am not sorry. People tell me I give great advice, which is awesome. So, if you trust me enough... my ears are always open. My friends are kick-awesome, and NO you cannot have them. I speak my mind more than I used to, but I do it with humbleness and modesty as best I am able. I have a lot of flaws, but that's okay. When did I ever say I was perfect? I am secretly a SLIGHT gamer, I just don't let most know it. I find many other ways to occupy my time other than video games because I fear that if I sat down to play Halo or Assassin's Creed... no one would ever see me again. I am a ninja, just not a very good one. I love spending time appreciating nature. It's beautiful. Surprises are my friend. Pranks... my enemy. Unless, I am the one pulling the prank. I find the government overrated and built upon the structures of popularity. High school never ends, huh? I think... a lot. I have many favorite pass times, and one in particular is shutting up those who assume they are better than most of the human race. Everyone deserves a chance, my friends. Everyone. I surprise many with my hidden thoughts once I verbalize them. I am not arrogant when it comes to my intellect and actually call myself stupid on several occasions. That is, until arrogant people come along and I unleash my fury, erm... intellect. Yeah... we'll call it that. I'm random. Starbucks is my lover. I am a huge Apple fan. No, not the fruit, the corporation. I like loud music, but I also would like to be able to hear by the time I am twenty. I have played paintball before. Don't underestimate my ability, either. Mwhahahahahaha.
I've got a bit of a fire in me that tends to lash out from time to time, but mostly for good reasons. For my 21st birthday... I really want to have a party at Chuck E' Cheese. Yes, I am just that weird and proud. Drama is a waste of my time and life... granted, I sometimes get caught up in it, I do my best to avoid it at all cost. Thankfully high school is over, right? Oh wait, it never ends... huh? Yes, I was in choir for four years if you include the 6th grade. NO, you may not hear me sing. Unless, you creepily stalk me and somehow catch me singing. Or, unless I feel just THAT comfortable around you. I like people who can make me smile regardless of how upset I may be. Those people are rare, fo sho! And, the people who can make me grin no matter what... well, they're just pretty special! I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I find easier ways to have fun and act crazy that won't kill me or my brain cells... be yourself, duh. Peer pressure never bothered me. I was always happy just being myself, and I am proud that I can say that. I like to think that I am a hard worker, but with procrastination being my middle name... it's a bit tough. I don't hate; I dislike.

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