Colin Bleakney

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Northern Ireland
Pastor Of Organic Church Group
I'm here to...
Help and encourage others and also receive help and encouragement
Study, Photography, Computers, Walking, Travel
I'm passionate about...
The Kingdom of God and seeing Him glorified and bringing Him glory and doing His will and planting other Organic Groups and training and equipping others to minister in their giftings
My story with God
God wants me to concentrate on teaching and equipping future leaders to plant and oversee Christian groups who meet in houses to worship God and be the Church where God has placed them.
This is in keeping with the New Testament example and lifestyle.
Other stuff about me:
I like fishing especially for Trout, I live near the Sea and occassionally go Sea fishing, but Fresh water fishing for Trout is my first passion.
I live in Larne in Northern Ireland and enjoy working for God in this area.
The people are needy here and there are so many people problems, but God can meet every need.

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  • David Velasquez

    The shield of faith to quench the fiery darts. I am enjoying your exchanges beloved. Keep active and blessing us.  Blessings to you.
  • Amenamen

    Red Ribbon
  • Tonya

    Colin...I am on a special diet and off my meds...doing great!

    Colin, I used to suffer from depression...someone told me that every morning when I wake up, say outloud, "I have the mind of Christ."

    My grandpa cured his prostate cancer by going on this diet called the Budwig diet: there is plenty of info about it on the net...he was stage 4 and told he would die with or from it. This diet helps and is supposed to cure mental disorders as well. The plan may be difficult to stick to, but it is well worth it...if you decide to give it a try, I recommend praying to the Lord for strength to stick with involves Flaxseed Oil - I would say that is the key ingredient as Flaxseed Oil contains ESSENTIAL fatty acids (omega-3 and omega 6) that is not found naturally occurring in one's body. Notice they are called ESSENTIAL because they are must for the regeneration of cells. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
