Ashlee Caley


Kalamazoo, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
student in high school
I'm here to...
Shine my passion for God!
I want to be given the most effective lesson on shining so that I am inspired to break through this dark world with my BRIGHT light. I like to read, which is perfect for reading the Bible, if you ask me. I would like to get at least one person saved before I leave this earth.
I'm passionate about...
GOD!!! Serving God, seeking God, finding God, spending time with Him in His word and in prayer. Worship is the best part, I think, which at times makes me feel like a modern-day, female David, according to my lifestyle.
My story with God
There are times when I beg of God to "Send me, send me, send me," as an indication that I am so eager to serve Him! I've come to love Him so much as to please Him in any way I can. I've learned to be generous and kind. I'm STILL working on being a peacemaker. However, I struggle with the stepping up. I would love to! I would love to show my passion and SHINE to the world! That is my one destination!
Other stuff about me:
I'm learning to be generous and kind. I guess I am shining a bit already! Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit, and generosity falls under that category, just with a little giving or helping involved. I've come to love charity, and am just waiting for my next charitable deeds. It's like God is sending me out of my personal walk with Him and out into the world with my passion. It's more of a run that a walk, though; more of a sprint. Tha's right! I CHASE after God!

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  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.

    In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

    A message was given recently in which Jesus said, the mansion I went to prepare for you is now finished. All is ready for Me to bring My people home.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>